Monday, October 17, 2016

Sunday October 16, 2016

Weekend Update: Blog time 1915 Monday

Saturday: Set the alarm for 0600. Today we are going to a family get together at my sister, Helen's home in Gaylord. Stopped at Panera for coffee and bagels. Hit the freeway at 0700.

Beautiful day for a drive north. The colors were great. Arrived in Gaylord at 1100.

The purpose of the meeting was to share family memorabilia and photos. Helen was downsizing and wanted to give away family memorabilia she had in her basement. Most of the stuff was from my Dad's basement in Alpena.

Attending were my cousins from Alpena, Judy and Gail and their husbands Harry and Ron. Judy and Gale are my Uncle Jim Scott's daughters. Cousin Dale Scott from Harbor Springs also attended. Dale is my Uncle Bill Scott's son.

I did get some interesting items from Helen. Dale Scott did not have many photos of his Mom so we gave him several good ones. I also showed Dale how to access the My Heritage Scott family tree. Judy and Gale looked over the photos but did not take any.

Helen served a great lunch. Many thanks to Helen and Don for hosting this event.

We took Ms P with us and encountered no problems.

We got home about 1930. Nearly 400 miles on the Taurus but a great day.

Sunday October 16, heavy rain all night. We were going swimming but since the pool is closed during electrical storms we stayed home.

I did some calisthenics and rowed, then showered and had a light breakfast. We headed to Meijer's for supplies.

Rain stopped about 1100 so I took Ms P on her daily walk. Took short nap.

At 1530 we headed out to the Moleski's for dinner. Tim Mask was also in attendance. Linda and Tom fixed a great meal.

Temperatures today and tomorrow will be above average. High temp of 75 expected for tomorrow.

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