Sunday, October 2, 2016

Sunday October 2, 2016

Blog time: 1755

We are changing our Sunday routine. Swimming is out and church is in.

Up at 0630 to get ready. We attended Trinity Lutheran church at Fulton and Robinson road. The 0800 service was lightly attended.

After church we headed to Meijer's for supplies.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I had mine with a waffle.

Took Ms P on a long walk. Followed the walk with short nap.

Spent several hours cleaning out clothes that I will take to Good Will. Also put away summer clothes.

I took apart the downstairs faucet and tomorrow will buy washers.

Finished the afternoon with a quick walk.

Nancy fixed beans and rice for dinner. Very good.

After dinner we all took a walk around the block. Perfect evening for a walk.

Watched 60 Minutes and finished reading the GRP. We are now watching the final episode of Janet King on Acorn. Great Show!

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