Friday, October 21, 2016

Thursday October 20, 2016

Blog time: 1745

Fall weather is back. The temp was in low 50s when I headed out. Sunrise was 0803.

I did my routine at the Y before biking to Panera.

The battle for Mosul dominates the world news.

Who would have thought it, but passive investing is in and active investing such as Mutual funds and having an advisor pick individual stocks is out. Index funds perform better than the experts. Good to see that hot shot Hedge Funds are struggling. Their fees of 2 and 20 were much too high.

Gee! Saudi Arabia is having money problems! Couldn't happen to nicer guys. They are borrowing money just like the rest of the world. Fracking in the USA is the game changer. We are becoming more energy independent.

As soon as I got home took Ms P on her walk, had lunch.

Kim comes to clean tomorrow so I walked to Macatawa to get some money.

Nancy fixed pork chops for dinner. Also had boiled potatoes and a great salad.

We are watching a show on Acorn. Paused it so Nancy can talk to her friend Kathy.

Hope the Cubs win tonight. I want an Indians/Cubs World Series.

Might get down to high 30s tonight. I like Fall weather.

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