Friday, October 7, 2016

Thursday October 6, 2016

Blog time: 1650

I had a rough night last night. I must have strained some buttock muscles on my hilly bike ride yesterday. Today after completing my routine the pain is gone. I guess the lesson learned is to keep moving.

With changing colors my morning bike ride is very pleasant. Every day I pass a field loaded with wild turkeys. The turkeys are getting fat. They might know harder days are ahead.

The weather has been so mild that I am still wearing my knickers. I love my knickers. I do get some comments on the knickers, some favorable and some unfavorable.

Aleppo still dominates the news. Now Iraq has some of their Shitiite militias helping the Assad regime. This continues to screw up US policy. If we ever had a policy.

Mom and Pop labs are turning out the deadly fentanyl pills that are much more potent than heroin. Many deaths are attributed to these drugs. I think if we legalize drugs we can at least have some control. Let's face it we have lost the war on drugs just like we lost the war on booze. Only the bad guys are getting rich. Billions and billions of dollars are going down the drain for a lost cause.

As soon as I got home we loaded up and headed to Costco. Not very crowded so we breezed through.

Our TVs have been acting up. No volume control and we could not get out of Apple TV. So we unplugged all units and went shopping. Plugged all units back in and everything is working fine.

I had the same problem with a GPS on my watch. Turned all my Apple devices off and next day they all worked fine. Lesson learned, don't panic just turn the dam thing off and let it set a spell.

Quick lunch and then took Ms P on her walk. I took a short nap.

Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at a new sandwich shop. We both had the beef dip. We gave the food B-.

As soon as we got home I took a walk around the block. Sundown now is 1910 so my evening walks will come to an end soon. I don't walk in the dark.

We are now watching last episode of Wallender on Netflix. A heavy thunder just rolled through. Ms P went bonkers so we gave her half a Benadryl pill and she mellowed right out.

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