Monday, October 31, 2016

Sunday October 30, 2016

Weekend update, written 1100 Monday sitting in Panera drinking coffee.

Saturday Oct 29, we head out in the dark, 0800, for our Saturday walk to Panera. We had our standard Sat breakfast. Surprised that Panera was not busy. I thought folks going to the MSU/UM game would stop by for coffee and a bagel before heading out to E. Lansing. The game starts early, noon. Go Blue!

At home I put on the bike clothes and headed out on a 15 mile. Took the dog for a walk and then we head out to run several errands. Nancy drove the Escape for the first time.

First stop was Meijer's. We bought grapes. This year we have been getting the biggest, sweet green and red grapes.

Next we stopped at Home Depot to look at their selection of artificial Christmas trees. We did not buy one.

Did watch some of the football game. Glad to see UM win.

Quiet evening at home. Nancy fixed fried eggs sandwiches for dinner.

Debbie face timed us and we caught up. Debbie also showed us how to get Acorn back on line.

Sunday October 30: up at 0650 and get ready for our Sunday swim. It was sprinkling when we left home. My swim was cut short because on the fourth lap I was doing the backstroke and ran my head into the wall. It started to bleed so I cut short the swim. Am I a klutz or what?

Quick stop at Meijer's for milk and yogurt. Bowl of cereal for breakfast and then we headed out to Trinity Lutheran for church. The church was crowded because of Confirmation. All our kids when HS Freshman went through the same ceremony.

At home took Ms P on a long walk and then a quick nap.

Finished the afternoon with a three mile walk.

Nancy fixed a Hamburg for dinner. We watched 60 Minutes and then a show on Acorn. We got Acorn back online by just unplugging it for several minutes and then plugging it back in. Sometimes simple is good.

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