Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wednesday October 26, 2016

It is now 0942 and I am sitting at the Starbucks in Woodland Mall.

Breakfast Club this morning, up at 0550 and hustle to get ready. We lucked out last night because we were told that the power company would turn off power at 0200 for several hours. Never happened.

Hit the freeway at 0630 and traffic was bumper to bumper.

Good turnout at BC this morning. Speaker was CEO of the Zoo and he talked about upcoming ballot proposal for more millage for Zoo operations. He made a great case for a yes vote. I sure will vote Yes.

Drove to Woodland, walked a mile and now enjoying a coffee. Waiting for J Crew to open. Want to buy a pair of flannel lined khaki pants.

It is raining and the rain is suppose to last all day. Will head to the Y after coffee.

Syria and Russia continues the slaughtering in Aleppo. NATO sits on their hands. Criminal!

Philippines President continues to stick his finger in the USA's eye. Not much we can do.

J Crew had lined khaki pants but legs too narrow. Old men don't wear slim trousers.

The Y allows strollers on their indoor running track. Today I counted four. I think it is a good idea.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. The rain kept attendance down.

I took my favorite raincoat to the tailor this afternoon. They are replacing the zipper.

Put my first tank of gas in the Escape. Took 9 gallons.

Short nap and then started on project to reattach door below sink. Nancy had to give me a hand. Took an hour but finally got it to work.

Finished the afternoon with a 2 mile walk. It was raining harder than I thought when started. Got very wet.

Light dinner, watched news, ordered flowers for Ed Namey funeral.

We started watching a good show on Acorn. I had trouble understanding the British brogue so I paused the show and tried to get Closed Captions but failed. Lost the Acorn network. Must reload tomorrow.

We watched an episode of Blacklist on Netflix. It is now 2145 and I am watching the Series. Go Cubs!

Rain will continue all night. Low temp high 30s.

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