Friday, September 30, 2016

Thursday September 29, 2016

Blog time: 2130

I got to sleep in this morning, 0630. Weather folks said rain all day today, so no bike. I did all my calisthenics at home today. I walked to the Y in light rain.

Ran my mile, showered and then walked to the Y. Read the WSJ and some articles in Apple News.

Mexico gave away over 10 million TV sets to poor folks. Why not food or medical service?

The new President of the Philippines seems very emotional. He has insulted President Obama, the EU and anyone who disagrees with him. How do you diplomatically deal with a loose cannon?

Walked home in a light rain. Had lunch and then waited for the front door installer. He arrived at 1400 and installed our new storm door. The door looks good.

Took Ms P on a very short walk and then Nancy and I headed downtown to visit several Art Prize venues. Our first stop was Women's City Club. We really enjoyed their exhibits.

Walked down Fulton Street and visited several venues along Fulton. Final stop was the Bob. The had a lot of art on display. Walked back up the Fulton to the car. We spent two hours at Art Prize.

For dinner we stopped at Shepard's Grill near the condo. I had the lake perch sandwich and Nancy a bowl of soup.

Read the GRP and then a Netflix show.

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