Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tuesday September 27, 2016

Blog time: 2130

Another busy day ahead. Up at 0545, do my morning routine and head out at 0700 for the Kent County Court House for Jury Duty. Once again we had 100% attendance. I am impressed with my fellow citizens.

We were told that we might be selected for four trials. Waited for three hours and then notified that a plea agreement had been reached in all four cases. No need for jurors so we were dismissed. So ended my civic duty.

After jury duty I drove to the Y and did my normal routine.

Quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed out to visit the Ford and Honda dealers. We have to decide between a Ford Escape and Honda CRV, both mid sized SUVs. At both dealers Nancy checked out the driver's seat and asked some good questions. We made no decision but have narrowed down our color and extras. I lean towards the Ford Escape.

Nancy noted an Estate Sale was in progress in the adjoining condo association, Gatehouse. We stopped so Nancy could check out the sale and condo. Nothing purchased.

Took Ms P on a walk and then a nap.

Today the weather was cloudy and cool. High temp was only 62.

Nancy fixed pork chop with baked apples and Lima beans. Great meal.

After dinner took a walk around the block. The days are getting shorter and it won't be long before it will be too dark for my walk.

Read the GRP and watched NCIS and Bull before turning in.

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