Thursday, September 22, 2016

Thursday September 22, 2016

Blog time: 1700

Today is the autumn equinox. 12h07' of daylight heading to nine hours on Dec 21. Except for our warm temps, 82, fall is in the air. Most of the robins are gone, the leaves are turning, high school football is in full swing and all the stores are pushing Halloween costumes.

I celebrated the equinox by sleeping in until 0700. Nancy also celebrated by staying home, no MVP swim.

I followed my normal routine. Read the WSJ and some stories on the Apple News app. I found nothing I want to comment on.

I had a quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed out to run errands.

Stopped at Macatawa to make a deposit. At D&W Nancy mailed a birthday package.

Next stop was Home Depot. We need a new storm door so we looked over their selection.
Blog time: 1730

Today is my 2,207 blog. I am amazed that I have stuck with it this long.

Wednesday so I slept in until 0700. Nancy headed out to MVP early. I stayed home and did my calisthenics at 50%.

My goal was to bike to Ada and have breakfast at Nonna's. Weather folks said no rain until this afternoon. I got two miles into the ride when my watch started screeching. I have an App that gives me weather alerts. The alert said lightning was close by. I turned around and headed to Panera.

I just made it before it started pouring. I had a bowl of oatmeal with sourdough toast.

I had plenty of time to read the papers. The new iPad operating system is neat. They improved the Apple news App.

The finance folks were all in a twitter wondering what the Feds will do today. Get a life!

The business community is getting a black eye with congress grilling Wells Fargo and Mylan. Folks are feed up with the high salaries and lack of moral backbone.

I really get tired of the President's lecturing. His relations with other world leaders has been dismal.

The video of the police shooting an unarmed black man in Tulsa is disturbing. I am changing my feelings toward a hand gun ban.

Police in the U.K. do not carry hand guns. Maybe we should ban all hand guns including police and anyone committing a crime with a gun would be shot. Think it would work?

Rain stopped at noon. Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.

Ms P had a rare accident in the house this morning.

I did a load of laundry. I think our washing machine does a poor job rinsing. Today I dialed in extra rinse. I don't like the side loading machine.

Before lunch took Ms P on a long walk. Tomorrow is recycle and trash day so I gathered everything and took it out to the curb.

Need milk for dinner so I got on the bike and headed to Meijer's.

Nancy said the Garden's was busy. Folks were coming to see the Art Prize exhibit. The exhibit did not get good reviews.

Yesterday we recorded several shows so tonight we will watch them. 12h30' of daylight today, tomorrow is the equinox.

At Fox Ford I had Nancy look at and sit in the Escape and Edge SUVs. I thought that she would eliminate one of the models because it was too small/large. No such luck she did not care.

We stopped at Lowe's and looked at their selection of storm doors. They did have one like our existing door. We are still thinking.

We also stopped at the GMC dealer and looked at their mid size SUV. We eliminated GMC.

Finally we stopped at the Chevy dealer and looked at the Equinox.

We are are leaning toward Ford.

I took Ms P on a short walk.

Dinner tonight at Shepard's Grill.

We walked to Shepard's, 0.5 miles. Place was crowded.

Nancy had a garden burger and I had a lake Perch sandwich.

Watched the final episode Major Crimes.

Today is the last day of 80 degree temps. Tomorrow we return to normal September temps.

The days are now so short that it is dark on my nightly walk. I need a new flashlight.

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