Monday, September 26, 2016

Monday September 26, 2016

Blog time: 2035

Busy day ahead, up at 0545 and head out at 0700 for downtown. It was raining and pitch black. Today is my first day of jury duty. I was one of over 150 folks who showed up. They took roll and we had a 100% turnout of all the folks receiving a notice to report. The group was very diverse and looked like the folks at Costco.

Three groups of potential jurors were selected for three trials. I waited for two hours before I was selected. I report at 0800 tomorrow. About 40 folks are in my group and 12 will selected tomorrow for a jury.

We were excused at 1200 and I headed to the Y. I did my calisthenics and ran a mile.

When I got home the asphalt paving company was working on our drive. We are getting a new bituminous drive.

Had a quick lunch and them took Ms P on a long walk. The pavers were just finishing up. The new drive looks good.

Took a short nap and then took a walk.

We had a light dinner and then I finished my outdoor activities with a walk.

We are now watching the Debate. I think it is embarrassing that this is the best we can do.

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