Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Tuesday September 20, 2016

Blog time: 1730

Another beautiful fall day. Blue skies with high temp of 82.

Fall is coming fast. Every day more trees are showing color. Most Robins have disappeared.

0630 seems to be our new wake up time. Today Nancy went swimming and I followed my normal routine. I cannot get my mile time below 10'.

Did Russia/Syria bomb the relief column heading to Aleppo? Recent elections in Russia gave Putin a boost and in Germany Merkel took a beating. I don't like Putin but think Merkel is a good leader.

Enough about the central banks in the EU, Japan and US, who cares!

Jack Welsh on Squawk Box this morning gave a strong argument for Trump. Actually I think he believes that Trump is the lessor of two evils.

I have been following the impeachment trials in Brazil. Corruption seems to be rampant.

Got a call from a fellow Naval Officer and he wants me to meet a fellow Navy construction man who was in Vietnam in the late 60s. We are going out for lunch Friday. Before lunch Lynn is giving us a ride in his small plane. Sounds great.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on a walk. Quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed to our new discount mall. Our purpose was to look for birthday presents for Grandson Lucas. No luck!

I did buy three shirts for me at Brooks Brothers.

Spent some time checking out my finances.

Tonight Nancy and I are going to Noto's for the monthly condo association dinner. Speaking of condos, Monday our bituminous drive is being replaced.

We have a tree that is too close to our retaining wall. The roots are damaging the wall. While we were gone they removed a tree near the wall. However, it was the wrong tree.

We had a good turnout at our dinner. Nancy and I continue to meet new neighbors.

Watched some TV before my old boss called tonight. Spent over an hour talking to Dave.

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