Monday, September 19, 2016

Monday September 19, 2016

Blog time: 1600

Sitting on the deck enjoying the blue sky and low 80s temp. So far we have enjoyed exceptional September weather. I noted this morning on my bike ride to the Y that the leaves are beginning to show some color. Great time of year.

Up this morning at 0630 and it was dark outside. Sun does not come up until 0727.

We also are having a super moon. Got up at 0300 and the moonlight was super bright. The Autumnal Equinox is this Thursday, the 22nd.

Nancy headed to MVP and I had breakfast and pedaled to the Y. The temp was 58. My scenic route is 7.5 miles. I really like this ride.

Today I did the calisthenics and mile run. After the routine I showered and headed to Panera. Recently I have been limiting myself to only one cup of coffee. It is difficult but my stomach is thanking me for the sacrifice.

I don't how the country can stop lone wolf terrorists. The law enforcement folks in NY and NJ responded efficiently to the latest bombing. They even have a suspect in custody.

I think I am suffering from a news overload. I really don't want to read more about the election or this week's Fed meeting. Even the reporting on the actions of the US and Russia in Syria is too much.

Speaking of Syria I was extremely disappointed that Gary Johnson the Libertarian candidate for president did not know where Aleppo was.

As I was leaving Panera I ran into Wally Olson a father of two boys who played hockey for OHHS back in the 80s. Wally was a very vocal supporter of the hockey team. It is sad that OHHS does not even field a hockey team.

Nancy had an appointment with her foot doctor this afternoon. She has an infected big toe. The Doctor removed the toe nail, ouch.

I had a dentist appointment. Got my teeth cleaned.

Light dinner tonight and maybe we will check out some new TV shows.

This date in 1938. I have not reported on the activities of Great Grandfather Sanborn lately. 19 Sep in 38 was also on a Monday. GGF spent the day in the garden. He picked a bushel of apples and a bushel of pears. Two bushels of corn and shelled beans. A busy day in Ossineke, Mi.

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