Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Wednesday September 28, 2016

Blog time: 1730

Another early morning, up at 0545 and head out in the darkness and rain to the Women's City Club in downtown GR. Today is Breakfast Club, Wednesday. I sit at a table of eight very conservative men. They all watched the debate and agreed that Trump gave a poor performance.

Speaking of the election Nancy and I got our absentee ballots today. I can't vote for Clinton but both Trump and Johnson, the Libertarian, seem so unprepared.

Today's speaker was the membership chairman for the new Y that I belong to. She gave a lukewarm talk.

After BC I drove straight home. Changed clothes got on my bike and headed to Panera.

Shale producers have survived the drop in oil and gas prices by some belt tightening and innovations. I am a big proponent of fracking. I think it is game changer. It has some environmental problems but they can be solved.

Apple News has articles from several U.K. papers. The U.K. Is just starting to get liquid gas from the US. The U.K. gas reserves from the North Sea are rapidly dwindling and they need the US gas. The weenies in UK don't want US gas because it was fracked. I understand that the U.K. has large deposits of gas but it is not being developed because of the opposition to fracking. Let them burn their coal.

Why hasn't NATO created a no fly zone in Syria? The Syrian and Russian planes are creating havoc in Aleppo. Where is the leadership?

I have always been surprised that when the ACA was written that mandatory enrollment was not required. Companies are losing money because they don't have young, healthy members. Everyone is required to have car insurance. Why not health insurance?

After Panera I took a seven mile bike ride.

The weather folks said rain was coming in late afternoon. So I took Ms P on an early walk.

Lunch and then I took a walk before the rain.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon.

After a short nap I drove to Woodland Mall to look for corduroy pants. Stopped at J Crew, American Eagle and Macy's but no cords.

We had a light and now we are watching the evening news. It looks like a Netflix evening.

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