Sunday, September 18, 2016

Sunday September 18, 2016

Blog time: 1550 Friday the 16th

I'm back! Took a short vacation from writing this blog.

A week ago today Nancy and Bob completed an eleven day tour of the northern Rockies from the Grand Tetons to Lake Louise/Banff in Canada. It was a great tour.

We left GR on Monday the 29th of August for Jackson, Wy. We left a day early to make sure we encountered no unexpected delays. Good move on our part because United lost our bags. It took 24 hours to recover the bags.

Forty folks on the tour and all were good folks. It was a Road Scholar tour. Our fourth RS tour.

Wednesday the 31st was our first full day. We. toured Grand Teton National Park.

Dinner that night was at a local Jackson restaurant.

We stayed three night in Jackson.

Day two we departed Jackson and headed to Yellowstone National Park. Tour the south section of Yellowstone. Spent the night at Canyon Village in the park.

Friday we toured the thermo pools and saw Old Faithful do her thing. It was the Labor Day weekend and the park was crowded. Many tour buses.

We had a Geology prof on out tour through the park. He gave us some good info on Yellowstone's unique geologic features. Returned to Canyon Village for the evening.

Saturday packed up and left Canyon Village and headed north to Helena, Mt.

On our way we stopped at Mammoth Hot springs.

In Helena we stayed at the Radisson. We had a local rancher give us a lecture on ranching and living in Mt. It was very entertaining.

Sunday pack up again and head north to Glacier NP. We had a sack lunch in route. We toured some of the park and spent the evening at Many Glacier Hotel.

Monday we were able to sleep in which was much appreciated. We boarded Red Jammer Buses and headed to Logan Pass. A very scenic trip in the Rockies.

Should note that most of the trip was above elevation 6,000. Temps were in the high 30s most mornings but would get up to 70 later in the day.

The leaves were turning on the Aspens. We saw a lot of hoofed animals buffalo, elk, deer and antelopes. Also mountain sheep and goats. We did not see a bear.

Tuesday we checked out of Many Glacier Hotel and headed Banff, Albertq. We toured Waterford Lakes NP which is an extension of US Glacier NP in Canada.
Stopped at the Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump museum. The Indians would round up Buffaloes and drive them over a cliff. A very efficient and safe way to harvest the buffalo. The Indians used the buffalo for food, clothing, the skins for their teepee and the bones for arrowheads, needles and eating utensils.

Spent the next three night at the Mount Royal Hotel in downtown Banff. Banff is a great tourist town. Good restaurants and shops abound. We really liked Banff.

Wednesday morning we toured the Whyte Museum. A good introduction to the Canadian Rockies.

We took a gondola ride up Sulphur Mountain. Spectacular view of the mountains.

We had dinner at a local restaurant. Later we had a lecture on sled dogs.

Thursday we had a guide for our tour of Jasper NP. We took a special bus to the top of the Athabasca Glacier. We also visited Lake Louise.

Friday packed up and headed for Calgary. On the way we stopped at Heritage Park. This park is like Deerfield Village in Mi.

Friday night we had our Final Banquet. A good time was had by all. Tour is over.

Blog continues on Sunday September 18 at 1535

Saturday morning we head to the Calgary airport. Debbie had given Nancy and me a Global Express card and we breezed through US customs.

Flight home was uneventful except United put us on a later flight out of Chicago. We got home about midnight. It is always good to get home and sleep in one's own bed.

Sunday morning and we slept in. We did some major shopping at Meijer's. Picked up Ms P in the afternoon.

Monday morning Nancy heads to MVP and I do my calisthenics at home. 0900 the tile man arrives and grouts the back splash tiles.

After, I head to Panera for coffee and a chance to read the WSJ for first time in two weeks. I did not miss much. The babble continued on Clinton, Trump, the Fed, Middle East and efforts of China to become a global bully.

Nancy had lunch with friends from the old hospital guild. We had a light dinner then watched TV and Netflix. First TV watching in two weeks.

Tuesday is my first trip to Y in over two weeks. This is our return to normal day.

Wednesday morning and I am up at 0550 and head out to Breakfast Club. Good turnout with several badly needed new members. The program was not very good.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. After her shift she is heading to her book club. I meet Tom Moleski at Vatales for dinner.

Thursday Nancy to MVP and I bike to the Y. Do the calisthenics at 70%. Coffee and papers at Panera. Thursday evening we stay home for dinner because the tile man is coming to put the final seal on the back splash tiles. It took about 20 minutes to put the seal on. We pay him and now have new counter tops and tile back splash. It looks great and we are glad that we made the purchase.

Friday and we are fully engaged in our normal morning and afternoon activities. Friday evening we picked up Kathi Kothe and head for a pre-Art Prize showing at the GR Art Museum. We had a pleasant time.

Saturday Nancy's toe has been bothering her lately so first thing she drive to Emergency at Blodgett. I walk to Panera in a light shower. I was getting ready to order when qNancy walks in. The Doc gave her some antibiotics. We have our normal Saturday fare. Spent most of the day running errands.

Saturday evening we had dinner at Sundance. Debbie face timed us and we had a pleasant talk. Watched some Netflix before turning in.

Sunday the 18th. Nancy stayed home but I went swimming at the Y. First time in about a month. After the swim I picked up Nancy and we did some shopping at Meijer's.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs this morning. I had mine with waffles.

Took a short nap while Nancy went shopping.

Nancy is firing up the grill to cook a steak for dinner. We will finish reading the GRP and watch some TV.

Final comments on our trip. The Rockies are beautiful but I am a flat lander. I like Michigan's lakes and woods.

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