Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Monday November 14, 2016

Blog time: 1130, sitting in Panera.

It was 39 when I left this morning but another sunny day. I think we are setting a record for daily sunshine in November.

Now that the leaves are off the trees I can see houses and outbuildings that are not visible with full foliage. Some really big homes set far back from the road.

It is Monday so the Y was crowded. How come it is not as crowded on Wednesday and Friday?

I did the calisthenics and mile run.

Spent some time reading email and finishing Sunday's blog before starting on today's news.

Trump still dominates the news. The EU is worried that a populist movement like Trumps in several EU countries could upset EU stability. Most populist movements are anti immigration and anti trade.

At home I took Ms P on her daily walk. Lunch and then we all piled in the Escape and headed to Breton Village. I visited Orvis and Nancy stopped at Talbots nothing was purchased.

We stopped at Costco and bought cheerios, cheese and chips.

I am still under the weather so I took a long nap.

Light dinner and then watched the news. We are now watching Jericho on Acorn. The last episode.

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