Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wednesday September 9, 2009

Wednesday, breakfast club day, and I will attend for the first time in a month. I left at 0645 and it was pitch black. Today's meeting was well attended and they had a good speaker discussing an at-home assisted living program. It seems all the programs lately have been aimed at us old folks. After the meeting I headed for home and loaded my new bike in the Aztek and headed for the Kal-Haven trail near Kalamazoo. The trail is constructed of crushed limestone and my new bike was perfect for this surface. My road bike could not have gotten through some of the sections with loose stone. I rode west to Gobles about 12.5 miles from the east termini. In Gobles I had to buy a day pass for the trail. It cost $3. This is the only public trail I know that charges a fee. I also bought a slice of pizza while in Gobles. The ride was nice I saw several wild turkeys and noticed how some of the trees are turning color. I did encounter two big dogs that were running loose. I stopped my bike and they finally got bored and ran away. This is the first time on a trail that I encountered unattended dogs.

After my 25 mile bike ride I took a short nap. Tonight Nancy's book club is at our house. Tom M and I went out for dinner. Book club was over at 8 so Nancy and I watched the President talk about health care. I really don't understand all the details about the proposed health care bill but any piece of legislation that contains over 1100 pages is probably too confusing.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was cloudy and cool all day. This was the last day for the county fair so GG and the Mrs. (his words) attended. The got home at 5:45 PM.

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