Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wednesday August 26, 2009

The wind continues to blow. We have a light breakfast and at 0820 the driver picks us up to go to the baby house. Akerka continues to surprise me. Every day in every way she seem to get better and better. Her walking is improving and she is smiling and making more eye contact. We get to spend 1.5 hours with her. After our session we ask the translator for a good restaurant. She gave us the name of one and said the owner spoke English. It was too far to walk so the driver would pick us up at 5:40.

We walked back to the apartment. We again had coffee at my favorite cafe. I should mention that hamburgers appear to be a big item on the menu. After lunch we headed for the bazaar (again) to purchase more gifts. Tasha and Nancy each purchased items for their friends. I must admit I am getting tired of bazaars.

Every afternoon we spend some time reading. This afternoon is no exception. I have 5 books on my Kindle and so far have read 2. I did take a walk this afternoon and was able to figure out the downtown area.

Promptly at 5:40 our driver picks us up and drives us to the recommended restaurant. It was only about 4 block from the apartment and could have been an easy walk. No one in the restaurant spoke English. Also the menu did not have pictures. However, Tasha had a guide book that Karen had loaned her and we were able to place our order. Tasha and I had to lamb stew and Nancy had a chicken kebob. The meal along with 2 beers and a bottle of water cost us $14. We walked home.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a cool Friday and GG sold Lauri B eight dozen ears of corn for $0.80. GG worked in post office in the afternoon. After supper GG drove to Popperwell with deed, he is looking over abstract. (I think GG is trying to sell a piece of property.)

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