Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday September 21, 2009

Once again I slept in until 0640 this morning. I thought today was the first day of fall but I guess it is tomorrow. It was very humid this morning. Of course it was raining. The morning routine went as normal. I did not get home from the Kava House until 1300. I was surprised that the DFP did not have much local news. Is the Kindle edition different from the print? I will have to check.

So far this afternoon I have checked my email and looked at maps of Munich and surrounding cities. I was surprised that Prague, Vienna, and Zurich are less than 5 hours from Munich. We are thinking of getting a rail pass.

I am heading to the mall to see if I can find a fall jacket. LL Bean has one I like but I want to see if I can get a similar one locally. Most of the stores had a jacket that was similar to LL Bean but lack at least one feature that I liked. I came home empty handed.

I then took a 3.25 mile walk. I wore my GPS and it said my average walking speed was 19' 30" per mile. At Nancy's reunion I met a classmate that was into distance walking. She could walk fifty miles and average about 14 minutes per mile. My running pace is 10' 30" per mile.

For dinner tonight I had Original Shredded Wheat. The original has large biscuits and is unsweetened. My grandfather loved Shredded Wheat. I think he liked their high fiber content. Even in the 50's old folks needed their fiber.

Nancy and I watched the 2 hour "House" TV show tonight. I also read an article on Hank Paulson that was featured in Vanity Fair. I enjoyed the article and was surprised by Paulson's favorable comments on Representative Franks and the House Speaker.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a rainy Wednesday. GG worked in the garden picking and cutting corn. The rain drove him home.

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