Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday September 22, 2009

I woke at 0620 and it was pitch black outside. Today is the first day of fall. There are signs of fall everywhere. The leaves are turning and I have noticed that a lot of trees are dropping their leaves. Some folks should start raking. Today we have 12 hours of day and 12 of night. For the next three months the days will get shorter and shorter. It is always a little depressing when we have the dark, gloomy days of November. I can remember taking bridge photos at noon in November and the camera's flash would go off. On a plus side the temperature today and for the next week will be in the high 70's.

I cancelled my subscription to the NYT and added the Wall Street Journal. The WSJ cost $15 per month, the same as the NYT. After reading the DFP I did not have time for the NYT. The WSJ has a lot of short articles that give me an idea of what is happening in the business world.

After the Kava House I ate a quick lunch and then headed for Gazelle Sport to buy a new pair of running shoes. My old shoes were showing some serious wear. I also got gas at Costco, $1.42 per gallon and bought some storage baskets at Staples. The weather has been so nice that I have not yet put away my summer clothes or brought out the cold weather clothes. Maybe I will do it next week when the weather cools a bit. I finished the afternoon with a 3.25 mile walk.

For dinner this evening Nancy cooked a pasta dish with green beans, corn and chicken. It was good. I am doing the blog early tonight because we have 2 hours of new NCIS programs.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a warm, clear Thursday with no frost. In the morning GG and GGM cut and picked corn. In the afternoon GG cut and stacked some oak in the barn for the little stove. He took 2 Norway stumps to the wood machine. GG and GGM also visited my grand parents in Hubbard Lake.

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