Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday September 27, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0646 and both Nancy and I continue in bed until the snooze goes off. We make it to the MAC in time to be the first ones in the pool at 0800. I swam my 45 minutes (1500 yards). For the first time in a month I swam with no pain and it felt good. As usual Nancy and I head to Meijers for our weekly supplies. Nancy is also buying supplies for AJ who we expect to arrive in MI some time towards the end of the week. Of course she had to buy some treats for Ms P. I topped off the gas tank on the Taurus. We need a full tank for our trip tomorrow to Mt Pleasant. Gas was $2.46 per gallon.

Since I mentioned the price of gas let me start a short rant. The US should put a $40 per barrel tax on imported oil. I would not tax North American oil. The US should remove all troops from the Middle East. If congress wants to keep troops in the Middle East they should impose a mandatory draft and a war tax. Nuclear waste should be moved to Yucca Mt immediately.

At the MAC I talked to the owner of Flanagan's downtown. I asked about the impact of the art contest. He said it had doubled his business and his biggest fear on Saturday was running out of food. I forgot to mention, in yesterday's blog, that while kayaking I noted that the water temperature was at least 10 degrees warmer than the air temperature. It is a strange feeling when my hand got near the water I could feel the heat radiating from the water. In the spring it is the other way around.

After a breakfast of Nancy's world famous poached eggs I took a short nap. When I got up I mowed the grass. It took slightly less than 2 hours. The GPS said that I walk 1.5 miles while cutting the grass. It is now 5:47. I am writing early so I can watch the National Park special.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a clear and warm Tuesday. GG only noted that he husked corn.

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