Monday, September 7, 2009

Monday September 7, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0636. Today is Labor Day and Bob and Nancy are going to participate in the GR Bridge Walk. It is a five mile walk along the banks of the Grand River and crosses over all the downtown bridges, 7. It is a very pleasant walk and a first time visitor to GR would be very impressed. The salmon are running so the river was loaded with fishermen. GR has done a great job developing walks and parks along the river. It looked like over 1000 folks participated.

After the walk Nancy and I headed to Perkins for a well deserved breakfast. We had eggs, meat and pancakes. I watched a little of the US Open and then took a short nap. After the nap I continued reading a Dan Brown book on my kindle. It is a hokey plot but it does keep my interest. I spent some time playing with facebook. I have many questions and can find no manuals. I did load several photos from our trip to Kazakhstan. I wanted to load the whole album but could only load five. I was going to load photos of SPS and family trip to GR but found that I had erased them. I will call SPS and get him to email me the photos.

How do I erase a friend without hurting their feelings? Can I have a friend but control how much they send me? I don't want to know what a friends family is doing. Is there no facebook for dummies?

Tonight in keeping with the end of summer Nancy is grilling hamburgers. Speaking of end of summer, Nancy and I saw many maples with bright red leaves.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote that they had rain early and cloudy with cold North wind the rest of the day. They drove to Alpena for the county fair. GG said they had a good crowd.

1 comment:

Sasha said...

You can change the settings in FB - to limit what you receive.