Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday September 11, 2009

September 11. People always ask do you remember what you were doing when JFK was shot? They ask the same question about 9/11. I remember both dates well. I hope I have no more dates like those during my lifetime.

Today's DFP had an article on Charter Schools in the City of Detroit. Did you know that 60,000 students attend charter schools and 80,000 attend the Detroit Public Schools (DPS)? The DPS have had a student enrollment decrease of 50% over the past 10 years. Dave Bing the new mayor of Detroit has some tough decisions to make to decrease Detroit's $300 million budget shortfall. He appears to be doing a good job but is getting some real flak from the unions. I wish him well.

Today was a bright clear day. I completed my morning routine about 1200. Kim was still cleaning when I got home so I ran an errand. I took my all terrain bike to the shop to get a coaster brake installed. I like the coaster brake and think it is better than the caliper brake for older riders. When I got home I from the shop I got on my retro and took an hour bike ride. It is really hard to get around GR because of all the road construction. Hopefully, the work will be completed in another month.

Tonight Nancy and I are having dinner at the Sundance Grill. After dinner we are going to Best Buy to look for a vacuum cleaner.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a foggy and rainy Sunday. GG was home all day but they did take a late afternoon drive to Diamond's Corner and back. They stopped at the garden and picked a pail of tomatoes and a basket of cucumbers.

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