Saturday, September 26, 2009

Saturday September 26, 2009

Nancy wakes me up at 0630 and asks if I set the alarm. I had set the alarm for 0636. She could have slept 6 more minutes. I get up and started my Saturday routine when I hear Tasha waking. I ask Tasha if she wants to go to breakfast. Of course she said yes. So I took the $10 certificate we won at the OHNA Ice Cream Social and head for Wolfgang's. Today Tasha is heading for Kazakhstan and what I hope is the last leg of her big adventure.

After breakfast I realize that I have several hours until I have to take Tasha to the airport so I load the kayak in the Aztek and head for Reeds Lake. It was overcast with a slight mist in the air. I saw a lot of turtles looking for their last meal before spring. In fact I saw the grand daddy of all snappers. I think its shell was 27" long. I also saw several muskrats. The critters come out after all boaters and water skiers leave. It was very pleasant on the water. It takes an hour to paddle around the lake.

At 1130 I take Tasha to the airport for her 1315 flight. My next stop is the Apple store to buy a wireless printer for Nancy's new Apple. The kid said that an idiot could install the printer. I did, however, have to go to the web to download the printer drivers. The kid was right, it took awhile but I got the printer to work. I spent about an hour playing with the computer. I think it is easy to use.

This evening Nancy and I headed to Russ' for soup and a hamburger. We were the youngest people there. After dinner we drove downtown to look at some of the outdoor art. Downtown was jammed. People were walking around with their maps of where the art displays were located. The downtown eating establishments have to be happy. Business looks to be booming.

It is now 2147 and I am finishing writing the blog. Ms P has been very sad since Tasha left and I hope tomorrow her spirits will improve.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote that it was clear and warm with the temperature reaching 80. In the afternoon cousin Glen and aunt Laura went to garden and picked 4 bushel of corn. GG noted that they received no paper today and that it looks like war in Europe.

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