Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday September 28, 2009

This morning is super busy. It did not help that I slept in until 0700. I did the at home routine at 66% and then drove, yes drove, to the MAC. The MAC routine was also done at 66%. I got home at 1000 and Nancy and I got ready for our trip to Mt Pleasant and lunch with HC and DC. It rained all the way over to Mt Pleasant. We had lunch at the Soaring Eagle. It was a great lunch and HC and DC were in good spirits. They plan on going to Tucson in a couple of weeks. It rained on our trip home. In fact it is suppose to rain for the next 2 days. I like this rain because it allows me time to get some inside chores done. In fact I started as soon as we got home. Monday is typically a cereal night and tonight was no exception. I watched the evening news and read the newspaper and now trying to get this blog done so I can watch the National Parks show on PBS.

This is the week of the UM/MSU game. Growing up it was fun to watch my Mom, UM, and Dad, MSU, heckle each other about the upcoming game. My mother was much more serious than my dad. All kinds of outlandish bets were made. Dad would do the dishes for a week if MSU lost is an example. HC and I enjoyed watching.

I should also point out that the rain was accompanied by cold. We have our space heater on in the back room. I also put the electric blanket on my bed.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG did not have much to say. He mentioned that it was a clear and warm Wednesday and he spent some time husking corn. GG also said that there was better news from Europe.

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