Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday September 25, 2009

Friday and today I am changing my routine. I slept in until 0700 and then performed my normal routine except I did not use the rowing machine. Instead I ran to the MAC, a distance of 2.4 miles. I performed the rest of my exercises and then ran home. I wore my GPS so I got a good reading on the distance, 2.4 miles x 2 = 4.8 miles. This is the longest I have run in a year. My average speed, however, was disappointing. My average time per mile was 11 minutes. This is quite slow. After the run and a shower I rode the AT to the Kava House.

Kim came and cleaned the house today. Last week Nancy bought a new vacuum cleaner and Kim gave it a grade of 3.8. After lunch I took a short nap. I got an invoice today from my CPA for work done in March. I thought I had paid the bill, in fact, I wrote paid on the original invoice. I checked my cancelled checks on-line and sure enough I forgot to pay. I rarely forget to pay a bill and I immediately called and asked if there would be a late fee charge. He was great and said no. I sent the check today.

I bought Nancy an Apple imax computer for her birthday. It came today and I set it up. It was really easy. She is up and running and getting email. Sasha helped me pick out the machine. I am grateful for her assistance.

This evening Nancy and I attended a OHNA open house for all the new neighbors. It was well attended and the neighborhood is filling up with young families. This is great.

Tonight Tasha is coming with Ms P. I am writing this blog and expecting them to arrive any minute. Tomorrow Tasha is heading to Kazakhstan. Ms P will be in our care for about a week.

Ossineke, MI this week in 1938. It was a clear warm Sunday. GG drove to a local orchard and purchase 2 bushel of apples for $1.95. They then drove to my grand parents and gave them 1/2 bushel of apples and 2 pounds of honey.

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