Saturday, September 5, 2009

Saturday September 5, 2009

I set my alarm for 0636 so I could get Nancy up for her early morning class at the MAC. I had breakfast at Wolfgang's. After breakfast I loaded up the bike and headed for Riverside Park for a ride on the White Pine Trail. It was a great day for a bike ride. Clear blue sky and the temperature in the low 70s. One disturbing thing I observed was that many trees are starting to turn. It is hard to believe that fall is a little over 2 weeks away. Being the last summer weekend before school starts a lot families were out enjoying a bike ride. The trail was very crowded. I road 32 miles in 2 hours and 45 minutes.

When I got home Nancy was working in the yard. I did help her a little bit. She would say very little. Last night's paper had a good review for a play at Aquinas College. It was called Smoky Joe's Cafe. I took a short nap and then at 5 I headed over to Aquinas to purchase tickets. If you buy tickets after 5 on the day of the play they are half price. A real bargain. The paper was correct the play was great.

At the play Nancy ran into one of the women she works with at the hospital gift shop. I was introduced to her husband and during our conversation I found out he played football at Wyoming during the time my high school football coach was coaching at Wyoming. He was good friends with a high school classmate. Small world.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was labor day and GG took a car ride. He wrote: "drove to junction of 171 and US23, thence on cement US 23 to Alpena and Laura's and fair ground, thence home. Met 60 cars from Domkes (pre-historic animal park in Ossineke) to Alpena". GG also made $200 from first payment for blocks 15-16.

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