Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wednesday September 30, 2009

I love Wednesdays because they are my easy day. I get up at 0630 and get out the AT and pedalled to Starbucks in Gaslight Village. I am going to try their oatmeal. The oatmeal is prepackaged and is microwaved. However, it is quite good, but not filling so I topped breakfast off with an apple fritter. I had to use my bike light this morning and wouldn't you know the batteries fail. I will replace soon.

It is a sunny clear day with little wind, perfect for kayaking. I load the kayak up and head for Thornapple Lake in Barry County. It was a nice ride I saw a lot of geese and ducks gathered in large flocks. Are they getting ready to fly south? I also saw about 12 swans floating in a tight formation. Do swans migrate? I will google "swam migration.

I spent 2.5 hours on the lake. On my way home I stopped at Bob's Gun and Tackle Shop in Hastings. I was looking for winter clothes and socks. The internet said they carried Duofold and Woolrich. They do carry these brands but in limited quantities. I will use the LL Bean Catalog.

I took a quick shower and then a nap. Kayaking can wear you out. Nancy got home from Meijers Garden at 4:30 and we had a quick sandwich and headed downtown to see the Art Prize. Downtown was crowded with a lot of families enjoying all the art displays. I like a lot of the big art displays. I especially like the large metal displays consisting of old metal parts welded or brazed together. We spent about 2 hour downtown.

After a quick read of the paper and a beer, I headed upstairs to finish this blog. Today was cool so I wore my snow board helmet instead of the bike helmet. I also got out a wool sweater. It is suppose to freeze tonight. I would like it to freeze so my grass will quit growing.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a cool clear Friday. GG and GGM drove to Harrisville for Bingham abstract. GG noted that Bennett died at noon a Veteran. They had a PTA meeting at Aunt Julia's. GG drove to my grandparents with squash and pumpkins.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday September 29, 2009

Fall has arrived. Temperature was in the 50s all day. The good news is that I got up before 0630 this morning. Ms P was pretty good last night, I only had to get up 2 times so she could do her bidness. I followed my new morning routine and ran to the MAC, 4 K, and performed 95% of my exercises and then ran home. I had showered and eaten breakfast by 1000. This is about 45 minutes sooner than the old routine. I did get on the AT bike and head to the Kava House for coffee and the DFP and WSJ.

After lunch today I spent several hours in my office cleaning up some financial matters. It was quite cool so I brought up the space heater. Tomorrow I may start storing the summer clothes and bring out the fall items. I did top off the afternoon with a 3 mile walk. NCIS is on tonight and I will watch it. I will not watch NCIS, LA. It is terrible. I am also disappointed with the national park special.

We got an email from Tasha. She and AJ are in Qyzylorda and they are staying in the same apartment Nancy and I stayed in. They are waiting for a passport for AJ. It might take 2 weeks.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. The morning was clear and warm but it began to cool off in the afternoon. GG went to garden and picked squash and delivered some to various friends. GG received a $20 payment from a friend. In the evening he and GGM attended the church dinner.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday September 28, 2009

This morning is super busy. It did not help that I slept in until 0700. I did the at home routine at 66% and then drove, yes drove, to the MAC. The MAC routine was also done at 66%. I got home at 1000 and Nancy and I got ready for our trip to Mt Pleasant and lunch with HC and DC. It rained all the way over to Mt Pleasant. We had lunch at the Soaring Eagle. It was a great lunch and HC and DC were in good spirits. They plan on going to Tucson in a couple of weeks. It rained on our trip home. In fact it is suppose to rain for the next 2 days. I like this rain because it allows me time to get some inside chores done. In fact I started as soon as we got home. Monday is typically a cereal night and tonight was no exception. I watched the evening news and read the newspaper and now trying to get this blog done so I can watch the National Parks show on PBS.

This is the week of the UM/MSU game. Growing up it was fun to watch my Mom, UM, and Dad, MSU, heckle each other about the upcoming game. My mother was much more serious than my dad. All kinds of outlandish bets were made. Dad would do the dishes for a week if MSU lost is an example. HC and I enjoyed watching.

I should also point out that the rain was accompanied by cold. We have our space heater on in the back room. I also put the electric blanket on my bed.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG did not have much to say. He mentioned that it was a clear and warm Wednesday and he spent some time husking corn. GG also said that there was better news from Europe.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday September 27, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0646 and both Nancy and I continue in bed until the snooze goes off. We make it to the MAC in time to be the first ones in the pool at 0800. I swam my 45 minutes (1500 yards). For the first time in a month I swam with no pain and it felt good. As usual Nancy and I head to Meijers for our weekly supplies. Nancy is also buying supplies for AJ who we expect to arrive in MI some time towards the end of the week. Of course she had to buy some treats for Ms P. I topped off the gas tank on the Taurus. We need a full tank for our trip tomorrow to Mt Pleasant. Gas was $2.46 per gallon.

Since I mentioned the price of gas let me start a short rant. The US should put a $40 per barrel tax on imported oil. I would not tax North American oil. The US should remove all troops from the Middle East. If congress wants to keep troops in the Middle East they should impose a mandatory draft and a war tax. Nuclear waste should be moved to Yucca Mt immediately.

At the MAC I talked to the owner of Flanagan's downtown. I asked about the impact of the art contest. He said it had doubled his business and his biggest fear on Saturday was running out of food. I forgot to mention, in yesterday's blog, that while kayaking I noted that the water temperature was at least 10 degrees warmer than the air temperature. It is a strange feeling when my hand got near the water I could feel the heat radiating from the water. In the spring it is the other way around.

After a breakfast of Nancy's world famous poached eggs I took a short nap. When I got up I mowed the grass. It took slightly less than 2 hours. The GPS said that I walk 1.5 miles while cutting the grass. It is now 5:47. I am writing early so I can watch the National Park special.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a clear and warm Tuesday. GG only noted that he husked corn.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Saturday September 26, 2009

Nancy wakes me up at 0630 and asks if I set the alarm. I had set the alarm for 0636. She could have slept 6 more minutes. I get up and started my Saturday routine when I hear Tasha waking. I ask Tasha if she wants to go to breakfast. Of course she said yes. So I took the $10 certificate we won at the OHNA Ice Cream Social and head for Wolfgang's. Today Tasha is heading for Kazakhstan and what I hope is the last leg of her big adventure.

After breakfast I realize that I have several hours until I have to take Tasha to the airport so I load the kayak in the Aztek and head for Reeds Lake. It was overcast with a slight mist in the air. I saw a lot of turtles looking for their last meal before spring. In fact I saw the grand daddy of all snappers. I think its shell was 27" long. I also saw several muskrats. The critters come out after all boaters and water skiers leave. It was very pleasant on the water. It takes an hour to paddle around the lake.

At 1130 I take Tasha to the airport for her 1315 flight. My next stop is the Apple store to buy a wireless printer for Nancy's new Apple. The kid said that an idiot could install the printer. I did, however, have to go to the web to download the printer drivers. The kid was right, it took awhile but I got the printer to work. I spent about an hour playing with the computer. I think it is easy to use.

This evening Nancy and I headed to Russ' for soup and a hamburger. We were the youngest people there. After dinner we drove downtown to look at some of the outdoor art. Downtown was jammed. People were walking around with their maps of where the art displays were located. The downtown eating establishments have to be happy. Business looks to be booming.

It is now 2147 and I am finishing writing the blog. Ms P has been very sad since Tasha left and I hope tomorrow her spirits will improve.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote that it was clear and warm with the temperature reaching 80. In the afternoon cousin Glen and aunt Laura went to garden and picked 4 bushel of corn. GG noted that they received no paper today and that it looks like war in Europe.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday September 25, 2009

Friday and today I am changing my routine. I slept in until 0700 and then performed my normal routine except I did not use the rowing machine. Instead I ran to the MAC, a distance of 2.4 miles. I performed the rest of my exercises and then ran home. I wore my GPS so I got a good reading on the distance, 2.4 miles x 2 = 4.8 miles. This is the longest I have run in a year. My average speed, however, was disappointing. My average time per mile was 11 minutes. This is quite slow. After the run and a shower I rode the AT to the Kava House.

Kim came and cleaned the house today. Last week Nancy bought a new vacuum cleaner and Kim gave it a grade of 3.8. After lunch I took a short nap. I got an invoice today from my CPA for work done in March. I thought I had paid the bill, in fact, I wrote paid on the original invoice. I checked my cancelled checks on-line and sure enough I forgot to pay. I rarely forget to pay a bill and I immediately called and asked if there would be a late fee charge. He was great and said no. I sent the check today.

I bought Nancy an Apple imax computer for her birthday. It came today and I set it up. It was really easy. She is up and running and getting email. Sasha helped me pick out the machine. I am grateful for her assistance.

This evening Nancy and I attended a OHNA open house for all the new neighbors. It was well attended and the neighborhood is filling up with young families. This is great.

Tonight Tasha is coming with Ms P. I am writing this blog and expecting them to arrive any minute. Tomorrow Tasha is heading to Kazakhstan. Ms P will be in our care for about a week.

Ossineke, MI this week in 1938. It was a clear warm Sunday. GG drove to a local orchard and purchase 2 bushel of apples for $1.95. They then drove to my grand parents and gave them 1/2 bushel of apples and 2 pounds of honey.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thursday September 24, 2009

It was cooler this morning. Temperature was in the high 50s. After the at-home routine I got on the all terrain (AT) bike and headed for the MAC. This was my first ride with the new coaster brake. I even got someone to say, nice bike. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House to read the DFP and WSJ. I stopped the NYT and loaded the WSJ. It has been a week since I charged the Kindle and I got a message saying the battery was low. I did get my reading done.

This afternoon I ran several errands. I stopped by Alger Schwinn to get some valve caps for my bikes. I made a template of the glass table top and delivered it to West MI Glass to get a new top made. My final stop was Todd Wenzel Pontiac to get my oil changed. Pontiac recommends changing the oil every 3,000 miles or 3 months whichever comes first. This has been the first time 3 months came first. I walked around the yard and looked at some cars. Wenzel is a high volume dealer and with Pontiac gone can they sell enough Buick and GMC vehicles?

Tonight Nancy and I are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. I do not think we will sit outside.

Every day I check my sceco and rhs email. In the past month I have not received any work related emails. As dugout Doug would says "old civil engineers never die they just fade away".

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a clear, warm Saturday. GG picked peaches in the morning and brought in some ice. He also picked some Hubbard squash. In the afternoon he cut 2 Norway pines for fire wood. He also spent some time husking corn. After supper he brought in 1/2 bushel of musk melon.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wednesday September 23, 2009

Wednesday is first full day of fall and also Breakfast Club day. This morning the talk at the table was the art contest being held in GR. I was surprised that almost all the guys had made an effort to see some of the art work. I thought when the contest was first proposed that it was kind of dorky. Now, however, I think it is a great idea.

The Breakfast Club meetings are held at the Women's Civic Club on the SW corner of Fulton and Lafayette. The breakfast is buffet style with scrambled eggs, meat, waffles, oatmeal and assorted fruits. The food alone is reason enough to join. Today a big announcement was made about the marriage of John Horbach, the retired city engineer, and another breakfast club member, Darla. A special cake was prepared and served. The cake was great.

After breakfast I stopped by the post office to send a birthday gift to LA. Today the sprinkler company was stopping by to winterize the system. They said a service man would arrive some time between 10 and 1. Surprise! The service man arrived at 0945 and was finished in 15 minutes. Since it was still morning, I took out my Kindle and started reading the DFP. I immediately fell asleep. So to rectify this problem I took an hour nap. I woke at 1130 and got on the retro and pedalled to the MAC for a 30 minute swim.

I had two errands to run this afternoon. First I stopped by the Grand Rapids Bicycle Company and picked up my all-terrain bike. I had a coaster brake installed and the caliber brakes removed. I love coaster brakes and now all 3 of my bikes have these brakes. The 2nd errand was to take the end table, that had its glass top destroyed, to a shop for repair. I headed to Mid West Glass and they are going to make a new glass top.

Tonight is cereal night and Nancy and I watched the news as we ate. Except when we have company, Nancy and I always eat in the kitchen. At 8 a new show called Mercy was on and I watched 30 minutes. I did not like it. Last night Nancy and I watched a new show called NCIS LA. It is a spin off of NCIS. The show was terrible. It was phony macho and I think the intended audience was 14 year old boys. I gave it a 0.77.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a warm and clear Friday. In the morning GG and GGM drove to Alpena. GG deposited $100 in the bank and then bought some chicken feed. He also mentioned that he traded at the A&P. "Traded" was GG's word. GG last entry was "preacher home, Huey and Jim cut rest of corn".

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday September 22, 2009

I woke at 0620 and it was pitch black outside. Today is the first day of fall. There are signs of fall everywhere. The leaves are turning and I have noticed that a lot of trees are dropping their leaves. Some folks should start raking. Today we have 12 hours of day and 12 of night. For the next three months the days will get shorter and shorter. It is always a little depressing when we have the dark, gloomy days of November. I can remember taking bridge photos at noon in November and the camera's flash would go off. On a plus side the temperature today and for the next week will be in the high 70's.

I cancelled my subscription to the NYT and added the Wall Street Journal. The WSJ cost $15 per month, the same as the NYT. After reading the DFP I did not have time for the NYT. The WSJ has a lot of short articles that give me an idea of what is happening in the business world.

After the Kava House I ate a quick lunch and then headed for Gazelle Sport to buy a new pair of running shoes. My old shoes were showing some serious wear. I also got gas at Costco, $1.42 per gallon and bought some storage baskets at Staples. The weather has been so nice that I have not yet put away my summer clothes or brought out the cold weather clothes. Maybe I will do it next week when the weather cools a bit. I finished the afternoon with a 3.25 mile walk.

For dinner this evening Nancy cooked a pasta dish with green beans, corn and chicken. It was good. I am doing the blog early tonight because we have 2 hours of new NCIS programs.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a warm, clear Thursday with no frost. In the morning GG and GGM cut and picked corn. In the afternoon GG cut and stacked some oak in the barn for the little stove. He took 2 Norway stumps to the wood machine. GG and GGM also visited my grand parents in Hubbard Lake.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday September 21, 2009

Once again I slept in until 0640 this morning. I thought today was the first day of fall but I guess it is tomorrow. It was very humid this morning. Of course it was raining. The morning routine went as normal. I did not get home from the Kava House until 1300. I was surprised that the DFP did not have much local news. Is the Kindle edition different from the print? I will have to check.

So far this afternoon I have checked my email and looked at maps of Munich and surrounding cities. I was surprised that Prague, Vienna, and Zurich are less than 5 hours from Munich. We are thinking of getting a rail pass.

I am heading to the mall to see if I can find a fall jacket. LL Bean has one I like but I want to see if I can get a similar one locally. Most of the stores had a jacket that was similar to LL Bean but lack at least one feature that I liked. I came home empty handed.

I then took a 3.25 mile walk. I wore my GPS and it said my average walking speed was 19' 30" per mile. At Nancy's reunion I met a classmate that was into distance walking. She could walk fifty miles and average about 14 minutes per mile. My running pace is 10' 30" per mile.

For dinner tonight I had Original Shredded Wheat. The original has large biscuits and is unsweetened. My grandfather loved Shredded Wheat. I think he liked their high fiber content. Even in the 50's old folks needed their fiber.

Nancy and I watched the 2 hour "House" TV show tonight. I also read an article on Hank Paulson that was featured in Vanity Fair. I enjoyed the article and was surprised by Paulson's favorable comments on Representative Franks and the House Speaker.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a rainy Wednesday. GG worked in the garden picking and cutting corn. The rain drove him home.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday September 20, 2009

Sunday is swim day, so we are up at 0700 and head for the MAC. As we are leaving the house Nancy said she heard a noise. It sounded like tic toc. I took down the clock and asked Nancy if it sounded like the clock. She said sorta but not quite. We left and swam our 45 minutes and did our shopping at Meijers. We get home and I am unloading the car when Nancy informs me that we have a problem. A big problem. Our glass top table in the den has shattered. The table top is large and we have glass all over the back room. The glass just shattered and we can not explain. No heavy loads, no extreme heat or cold and no evidence of a break in. The puzzle remains unsolved. It took almost an hour to clean up all the broken glass. Nancy still had time to make her world famous poached eggs.

I did take an afternoon nap. It is expected to rain every day next week so I decided to cut the grass today. It took 3.5 hours. I think I will have to cut the grass 1 more time this season.

For dinner we had turkey sandwiches with home grown tomatoes. We also had corn on the cob and cole slaw. We watched 60 minutes. Actually it was only 20 minutes. The Emmy Awards show was on so we watched the football game from Dallas' new $1,000,000,000 stadium. I hope the stadium is a jinks for Dallas. Dallas, Notre Dame, USC and Alabama are all teams I like to see lose each week.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a Tuesday and cloudy most of the morning. They had a light shower about 2 PM. GG pulled 5 bu corn in the morning. In the afternoon he cut 4 rows of corn and picked 5 bu of corn. Cousin Glen was sick all day. GG shelled beams in the evening.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Saturday September 19,2009

I set the alarm for 0636 so I can get Nancy up for body pump. The alarm goes off and Nancy is already up and ready to go. Me, I am a little slower. I don't leave the house until 0715. I hop on the retro and pedal to Wolfgang's. The place was crowded with people setting up for the Eastown Street Fair.

After breakfast I load up the kayak and head for Saugatuck. I planned on putting in at a park in Douglass and paddling around Saugatuck checking out all the boats. However, the wind was pretty strong and I did not want to battle wind and waves so I turned around and headed for New Richmond about 2 miles upstream on the Kzoo. The boat launch at New Richmond is being renovated into an Allegan County Park. The launch area was all torn up but I managed to get the kayak in the water. I paddled 1h 40m upstream and it took me 35 m on the return. The current was stronger than I thought. Kayaking in the fall is great. The jet skis are gone, the weather is cooler and the leaves are turning. Time well spent.

When I got home I took a quick shower and Nancy and I headed to the Eastown Street Fair. The GRP said that the Fair would have 70 booths. Wealthy Street was blocked off and I think the GRP was correct on the number of booths. The place was crowded. The warm, sunny day brought out all the folks. I told Nancy that a street fair is like the bazaar in Kazakhstan only with wider aisles. Nancy purchased some hair bows for our grand daughters.

Nancy fired up the grill and cooked a New York strip steak for dinner. We also had corn on the cob. A great way to end a beautiful fall day. And believe it or not AHS and UM won their football games.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG had a busy Monday. He picked 1 bushel of pears and 1 bushel of apples at Lottics. He also picked 2 bu corn and shelled some beans. GG paid Jim Courtright to pull milk weed.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thursday September 17, 2009

Today was another sunny and warm day. It looks like the nice weather will extend through the weekend. I followed my normal morning routine and after lunch loaded the kayak in the Aztek and headed for Riverside Park. I paddled from the Park to the 6th Street Dam. It was a very pleasant paddle. I am back using just a single canoe paddle to propel the kayak. I think it lessens shoulder and arm pain. It is slightly slower than a double bladed kayak paddle.

This evening Nancy and I, as usual, headed to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. We sat outside. I think this will probably be our last time to enjoy eating outside. Not much on TV tonight so I am getting an early start on the blog. I hope to get to bed before 9:30.

I am a little disappointed in President Carter's comments that all the protests at Town Hall meetings are racially motivated. I happen to strongly disagree. Protest against public policy is part of the democratic process.

Our diverse country is creating a class of citizens of mixed racial and religious backgrounds. I think this is inevitable and good for the country. People of mixed races should not be considered black or white or brown. They should be called Americans.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a clear, mild Saturday. GG dug 2 bushel of potatoes and 1 quart of worms (for fishing). GGM picked beans. Ed Shiske paid $137 on his lot and GG gave him the deed. They also shelled 1/2 bushel of beans.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wednesday September 16, 2009

After all my whining yesterday about having to get up earlier, I slept in until 0730. This being the third Wednesday of the month means I have a GR Building Authority meeting. The GRBA has two hybrid parking structure projects. Both projects are multi use buildings with a parking structure. After the construction is complete the GRBA will sell bonds and buy and operate the parking structures. Both projects appear to be on time and on budget.

After the meeting I headed east on Michigan Avenue. The area around Blodgett Hospital is undergoing a construction boom. Approximately 1 billion dollars worth of construction is under way. It appears that a lot of the projects are nearing completion. The big buildings block out my satellite radio signal. It is quite impressive. I traveled further east from all the construction and had breakfast at Bill's. Bill's is a great breakfast place and is always featured in the GR Press "Cheap Eats" section.

It was another nice sunny day but cooler than yesterday. I do not think the temperature got above 70. I loaded the road bike in the Aztek and headed for Holland. I parked near the River Street bridge over the Macatawa River. The River Street bridge consist of the vehicular bridge and 2 pedestrian bridges. The pedestrian bridges are located each side of the vehicular bridge and are connected by a trail passing under the Vehicular bridge. It was a great design. I pedalled over all three bridges. After my bridge inspections, I pedalled west along Douglas/Ottawa Beach Road to Holland State Park. The bike trail is parallel with the north shore of Lake Macatawa. It is a great ride. Holland State Park was very quite today. From the park I headed north along Lakeshore Drive. Lakeshore Drive parallels the Lake Michigan shore. This is the first time I have been on this trail and I think it is the best suburban trail I have ridden on. The trail is heavily wooded and there are some spectacular homes along the Lake MI side. My total ride was 28 miles. I give the trail a 3.8. (4.0 max)

This evening Nancy and I headed to Pietro's for dinner. They are featuring $7 dinners and a 25 oz draft been for $2. The place was packed. Apparently everyone in GR likes a bargain.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Not much happening. GG noted that is was a cool day and he dug 1.5 bushels of potatoes. GGM and Julia pulled beans.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday September 15, 2009

It is only 6 days to the start of fall but you would not know it in GR. Today was another sunny day with a high temperature of 84 degrees. We had the coldest July on record but September is making up for our lack of warm weather. A wise farmer once told me that one extreme follows another. This year he is correct.

Since we have returned from our trip to Kazakhstan I cannot wake up before 0630. I want to get up at 0606 so maybe I should set my alarm. Nancy says setting the alarm is stupid. I am retired and should quit worrying about time. Old habits die hard.

Nancy bought a new vacuum sweeper and after lunch I got the sweeper out of the box and assembled it. We had 40 pounds of packaging for 11 pounds of sweeper. The instructions were quite clear and I had the thing assembled in 10 minutes.

The weather was so nice I loaded up the kayak and headed for Duncan Lake. Duncan Lake is located in northern Barry County immediately south of the Kent County line. It is a long skinny lake with some nice homes. Almost all the homes are year round homes. It took 1.5 hours to paddle around the lake. It was a great day for a paddle, only two fishing boats were on the lake. The leaves appear to be turning color and dropping sooner than past years. Although I cannot verify it, I think the acorn crop this year is a bumper crop.

I had on my calendar that tomorrow I have a GRBA meeting. I called the City to check on the meeting and sure enough my calendar was correct. Usually the city staff sends a meeting packet several days before the meeting. I just got mine at 4 PM today.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a cool Thursday but GG noted no frost. GG dug potatoes while GGM and Julia picked beans. GG helped shell some beans.

When I was in HS boys only were given a day off for bird season and a day off for deer season. Boys and girls were give a week off for potato picking.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday September 14, 2009

The first normal Monday since late July. It was a great Monday. The sun shone all day and the temperature reached 84. I had to ride my retro to the MAC because I am getting a coaster brake on the all terrain bike. I encounter a lot of road construction during my morning bike commute so the retro bike works fine. Today I did my entire exercise routine at 100%.

Today's DFP had an article on all the cuts Mayor Bing is going to make in Detroit. The DFP has been very supportive of the Mayor. The DFP got carried away on the Lions 18th straight loss. They also gave a lot of ink to MSU's loss but little comment on CMU's win. Good grief isn't CMU a Michigan school.

After lunch I spent some time on my computer trying to find the name of the non-profit organizations that help support local parks. I am thinking of making a small donation to the County's Millennium Park and also GR Parks. I am always amazed at how crowded the local parks are. Senior citizens love GR's Riverside Park. I also like the plan for Millennium Park. When this park is fully developed it will be one of the finest parks in the Midwest.

Since it was such a nice day I loaded up the kayak and headed for Reeds Lake. It was a perfect day to be on the lake. No jet skis or water skiers were on the lake. I am always surprised at the new lakeside homes that are being built. They are all very substantial.

When I got home I took a short walk. Tonight was cereal night but I did have a Klondike bar. We watched the men's final at the US Open. It was great tennis.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a warm clear Wednesday morning but it started to rain at noon. GG dug some potatoes but had to leave them out in the rain. GGM and Julia pulled about 2 bushel of bean pods. Julia shelled some and cooked them for dinner.

GG is 82 years old and I am amazed at the time he spends working in the garden, the post office and running errands. GG was born in 1856, 4 years before the US Civil War. He seems to embrace all the new ideas like cars, radios and farm implements. Life is not easy but GG seems very content. He has never complained in his diary. I am sure that GG had little formal schooling but his spelling is much better than his great grandson.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunday September 13, 2009

Sunday morning and we head for the MAC and our 45 minute swim. Unlike past weeks, when we had to share lanes, Nancy and I were the only people in the pool. We are caught up on supplies so we did not have to go the Meijers. Nancy made her world famous poached eggs and this morning I had them on waffles. I took a short nap as usual.

Today like the past week was bright, sunny and warm. Our grass is still on steroids. I adjusted the sprinklers but it continues to grow. Today I had to move my retro bike to get to the mower. I had a flat tire. I was surprised that I changed the tire in less than 10 minutes. I did not edge today so it only took me 2 hours to cut the grass.

I did not watch the Lions game today. It looks like the same old team. I did watch part of the US Open. It was good tennis. I do not think that I could ever return one of the men's serve.

For dinner we finished the chicken salad from last night and I also had a couple of hot dogs. We watched 60 Minutes and then part of the football game. At nine Nancy and I headed upstairs. We both have a busy week coming up.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a Tuesday with early morning fog. GG wrote that it was Primary Election day. GG took Ed Byrnes to vote. He dug 1 bushel of potatoes in the morning and picked them up at 5 PM. He worked in the post office in the afternoon.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Saturday September 12, 2009

I set the alarm for 0636 so I could get Nancy up to attend her body pump class at the MAC. Me, I get on my retro and head for Wolfgang's for breakfast. I get there at 0715 and all the booths are empty. At 0730 all the booths are full. After breakfast I load up the road bike and head for Montcalm County and the Fred Meijer Trail. I have to take several detours because today the Reeds Lake Tri is being held and the police have closed several roads. I remember the first TRI because Tasha participated. She won her age group.

When I got to the East Beltline I was engulfed in fog. It was very heavy. So I decided not to go Montcalm County. Instead I head for Riverside Park and the White Pine Trail. I pedalled to the end of the paved section, a distance of 24 miles. It was a beautiful day for a ride. I noted many activities along the way. An Indian PowWow was being held in Riverside Park. The park was loaded with all kinds of tents and travel trailers.

Rockford had an arts festival and farmers market. A JV football game was being played in Cedar Springs because I heard the PA announcer. The trail was loaded with roller bladders, runners and bikers. It took me 4 hours to go 48 miles.

When I got home I watched part of the MSU game and then took a nap. I wanted a short nap but I slept for 2 hours. I also watched part of the UM game. Nancy made a chicken salad for dinner. It hit the spot. After dinner I purchased Nancy her birthday soft ice cream cone. We always buy it at the store on Fuller and Michigan. I took a short walk after the cone. This evening watched the first half of the OSU/USC game. My nap has given me a second wind so I will try and finish my book this evening.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was foggy until noon and cloudy the rest of the day. GG noted: "we continued digging potatoes, 1.5 bushels, and pulling corn, 1 bu husked". GG tried fishing at the dam and he did not get a bite.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday September 11, 2009

September 11. People always ask do you remember what you were doing when JFK was shot? They ask the same question about 9/11. I remember both dates well. I hope I have no more dates like those during my lifetime.

Today's DFP had an article on Charter Schools in the City of Detroit. Did you know that 60,000 students attend charter schools and 80,000 attend the Detroit Public Schools (DPS)? The DPS have had a student enrollment decrease of 50% over the past 10 years. Dave Bing the new mayor of Detroit has some tough decisions to make to decrease Detroit's $300 million budget shortfall. He appears to be doing a good job but is getting some real flak from the unions. I wish him well.

Today was a bright clear day. I completed my morning routine about 1200. Kim was still cleaning when I got home so I ran an errand. I took my all terrain bike to the shop to get a coaster brake installed. I like the coaster brake and think it is better than the caliper brake for older riders. When I got home I from the shop I got on my retro and took an hour bike ride. It is really hard to get around GR because of all the road construction. Hopefully, the work will be completed in another month.

Tonight Nancy and I are having dinner at the Sundance Grill. After dinner we are going to Best Buy to look for a vacuum cleaner.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a foggy and rainy Sunday. GG was home all day but they did take a late afternoon drive to Diamond's Corner and back. They stopped at the garden and picked a pail of tomatoes and a basket of cucumbers.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursday September 10, 2009

The bike trip yesterday must have really tired me out because I slept until 0700. I hurried to get my morning routine done by a decent hour but I did not finish reading the DFP until 1 PM. After a quick lunch I took Nancy's new car and got it washed. It was senior citizen day at the car wash.

My next stop was Fox Ford to get someone to help me with the navigation system. The salesmen did not know too much but he did show how he thought the system worked. I started playing with the system and finally found out how to do turn by turn directions. I punched in our home address and it got me home. The system is really quite slick. This evening Nancy and I are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. Since the new TV season has not started, I will continue reading the Dan Brown book. There are several football games but I am not into football when it is 80 degrees outside.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Saturday and GG said it rained all day. J Vredenburg brought 1/2 bushel of apples and some sauce to Aunt Julia. Unfortunately I cannot read the rest of GG's entry.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wednesday September 9, 2009

Wednesday, breakfast club day, and I will attend for the first time in a month. I left at 0645 and it was pitch black. Today's meeting was well attended and they had a good speaker discussing an at-home assisted living program. It seems all the programs lately have been aimed at us old folks. After the meeting I headed for home and loaded my new bike in the Aztek and headed for the Kal-Haven trail near Kalamazoo. The trail is constructed of crushed limestone and my new bike was perfect for this surface. My road bike could not have gotten through some of the sections with loose stone. I rode west to Gobles about 12.5 miles from the east termini. In Gobles I had to buy a day pass for the trail. It cost $3. This is the only public trail I know that charges a fee. I also bought a slice of pizza while in Gobles. The ride was nice I saw several wild turkeys and noticed how some of the trees are turning color. I did encounter two big dogs that were running loose. I stopped my bike and they finally got bored and ran away. This is the first time on a trail that I encountered unattended dogs.

After my 25 mile bike ride I took a short nap. Tonight Nancy's book club is at our house. Tom M and I went out for dinner. Book club was over at 8 so Nancy and I watched the President talk about health care. I really don't understand all the details about the proposed health care bill but any piece of legislation that contains over 1100 pages is probably too confusing.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was cloudy and cool all day. This was the last day for the county fair so GG and the Mrs. (his words) attended. The got home at 5:45 PM.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tuesday September 8, 2009

All the schools are now open. Traffic patterns on several streets changed dramatically. However for us retired folks it is just another day. I followed my normal morning routine. After lunch, I ran several errands. I purchased a new CD. It is called "Rambling Boy" by Charlie Haden. Nancy read an article that said if you like the CD "O Brother Where Art Thou" you will love "Rambling boy". My next stop was the lighting center to purchase some ceiling floods for the kitchen. My final stop was Riverside Park where I unloaded the road bike and went on a 1.5 hour ride. I rode 18 miles.

Not much on TV so I will continue reading my Dan Brown book. I am looking forwarded to Ken Burns TV special on the National Parks.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a cool and cloudy day but no rain. GGM went to the County Fair while GG stayed home and picked 3 bushels of red potatoes and other stuff.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Monday September 7, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0636. Today is Labor Day and Bob and Nancy are going to participate in the GR Bridge Walk. It is a five mile walk along the banks of the Grand River and crosses over all the downtown bridges, 7. It is a very pleasant walk and a first time visitor to GR would be very impressed. The salmon are running so the river was loaded with fishermen. GR has done a great job developing walks and parks along the river. It looked like over 1000 folks participated.

After the walk Nancy and I headed to Perkins for a well deserved breakfast. We had eggs, meat and pancakes. I watched a little of the US Open and then took a short nap. After the nap I continued reading a Dan Brown book on my kindle. It is a hokey plot but it does keep my interest. I spent some time playing with facebook. I have many questions and can find no manuals. I did load several photos from our trip to Kazakhstan. I wanted to load the whole album but could only load five. I was going to load photos of SPS and family trip to GR but found that I had erased them. I will call SPS and get him to email me the photos.

How do I erase a friend without hurting their feelings? Can I have a friend but control how much they send me? I don't want to know what a friends family is doing. Is there no facebook for dummies?

Tonight in keeping with the end of summer Nancy is grilling hamburgers. Speaking of end of summer, Nancy and I saw many maples with bright red leaves.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote that they had rain early and cloudy with cold North wind the rest of the day. They drove to Alpena for the county fair. GG said they had a good crowd.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sunday September 6, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0656 and Bob and Nancy bounce out of bed. We declared yesterday that jet lag was over. The pool at the MAC was not crowded. We both swam our normal 45 minutes or 1500 yards. After the swim we head for Meijers and our weekly shop date. I purchased gas, $2.50 per gallon, and returned $6 worth of bottles.

Of course for breakfast Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs. Returning to my normal routine I took my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap I decided to cut the grass. The grass was quite long and I thought it was on steroids. Today I placed the side discharge chute on the mower. It worked great and I got a uniform cut. It took me 3 hours to cut and edge the grass. I had to get the yard looking good because Wednesday night Nancy has her book club over.

Nancy fired up the grill and cooked a pork loin for dinner. We had the pork, fresh green beans and cottage cheese for dinner. It was good. Not much on TV so I am writing this blog and playing games on the computer.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a cloudy Tuesday. GG took Aunt Laura and cousin Glen to Alpena. GG and Glen got a hair cut. They dropped off some corn for Aunt Julia and then went to the County Fair. On there way home they stopped at Diamond's Corner and got sandwiches and 2 cans of orange juice. GG worked in the post office in the afternoon.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Saturday September 5, 2009

I set my alarm for 0636 so I could get Nancy up for her early morning class at the MAC. I had breakfast at Wolfgang's. After breakfast I loaded up the bike and headed for Riverside Park for a ride on the White Pine Trail. It was a great day for a bike ride. Clear blue sky and the temperature in the low 70s. One disturbing thing I observed was that many trees are starting to turn. It is hard to believe that fall is a little over 2 weeks away. Being the last summer weekend before school starts a lot families were out enjoying a bike ride. The trail was very crowded. I road 32 miles in 2 hours and 45 minutes.

When I got home Nancy was working in the yard. I did help her a little bit. She would say very little. Last night's paper had a good review for a play at Aquinas College. It was called Smoky Joe's Cafe. I took a short nap and then at 5 I headed over to Aquinas to purchase tickets. If you buy tickets after 5 on the day of the play they are half price. A real bargain. The paper was correct the play was great.

At the play Nancy ran into one of the women she works with at the hospital gift shop. I was introduced to her husband and during our conversation I found out he played football at Wyoming during the time my high school football coach was coaching at Wyoming. He was good friends with a high school classmate. Small world.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was labor day and GG took a car ride. He wrote: "drove to junction of 171 and US23, thence on cement US 23 to Alpena and Laura's and fair ground, thence home. Met 60 cars from Domkes (pre-historic animal park in Ossineke) to Alpena". GG also made $200 from first payment for blocks 15-16.

Friday September 4, 2009

It is Friday, I can tell because I slept in until 0730. How long can I use jet lag as an excuse? Last week Nancy and I were 1/2 a world away. My grand parents newer flew in an airplane.

Today I followed my normal routine and ended up at the Kava House. I did not get home from the Kava House until almost 1 PM. Nancy had boxed up for mailing some small gifts for her grand children and grand nieces. The gift were small items she had purchased at the bazaar in Kazakhstan. I walked over to the post office to mail the packages. I spent the rest of the afternoon updating my facebook and trying to figure out why I can not copy a word document and paste in my blog. I goggled my problem and found that a lot of people have the same problem.

This evening Nancy and I met the Nameys at the Longhorn for dinner. The food was good. After dinner we all returned to our house for dessert and conservation. Nancy made a peach cobbler. It was great. A good time was had by all.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a cool and clear Sunday. Today Sunday School starts after summer vacation. This afternoon Ossineke beat East Bay, 14 to 7. There were 10 people at church this evening.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thursday September 3, 2009

This morning I woke at a normal time and felt that I had conquered jet lag. After the morning routine I ended up at the Kava House. Today's DFP was especially long and I did not finish until 1230. When I got home I had a quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed out to run some errands.

Our first stop was Classic Nails so Nancy could pick up an order for the gift shop. Next it was on to Costco. Gas at Costco was $2.39 per gallon. We had one more stop and that was Target. When I got home I spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning up my desk. I paid some bills and opened a lot of mail. I also renewed my satellite radio for another year. Like my kindle I cannot get along without my XM radio.

This evening Nancy and I headed for Great Lakes Shipping. We sat outside. It was great. This evening I am catching up on my blogs. It feels good to be caught up.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Saturday and GG spent the day running errands. He purchased gas for his car, put 1/2 cord of wood at the top of the stairs and killed a hen for Aunt Laura.

Wednesday September 2, 2009

Wednesday is my easy day. I pedalled to the Brandywine for breakfast. I had a short stack with eggs. The pancakes were tough. How can pancakes be tough? I will try Wolfgang's next time.

I loaded up the kayak and headed for Lowell. I paddled 2.5 hours on the Grand. It was great to be back on the water. In August I went kayaking once and that was with LA.

After the kayak, I decided to tackle my sink problem. I headed to Modern Hardware and looked over all the drain cleaners. I bought a bottle of sulphuric acid. The warning label is kind of scary. However, I followed their instructions to the letter. I poured 4 oz in the drain and 4 minutes later the drain was clean. I was so happy I pedalled my bike 2 times around Reeds Lake.

After dinner Nancy and I fell asleep watching the news. This jet lag thing has got to stop.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a cool Friday. GG picked 1 bushel of corn for Aunt Laura and 2 bushels for Rexie. GG worked in the post office in the afternoon.

Tuesday September 1, 2009

It was cool this morning. After my at home exercises (66%), I bundled up and headed to the MAC. I had coffee and read the DFP at the Kava House. It is great to back in a routine.

We have a clogged sink in the kid's upstairs bathroom. I removed the drain plug and prodded around the pipe for an obstruction but found none. The drain was still clogged. I decided that fixing the sink could wait and I took a 3 mile walk.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed beans and rice. It was great. We both fell asleep watching the evening news. Jet lag has our bodies all confused.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a nice clear Thursday. GG worked in post office in the afternoon. GG said that John and another party paid $15 on the survey for the property he is selling. The church had their chicken dinner and receipts were $70 and expenses, $30.

Monday August 31, 2009

Out of my mind on Monday morning. This was Bob Talbert's byline every Monday when he wrote for the DFP. I performed my exercise routine at 50%. After the MAC I pedalled to the Kava House. I had coffee and read the DFP on my kindle. The kindle is a chick magnet because three young ladies asked about my new toy.

I ran several errands including returning the SCECO laptop to the office. Every one seemed busy, which is a good thing. I did take a short walk before dinner. Dinner tonight was cereal. I need the bland food to get my stomach back to normal. It was a short evening and we were in bed early.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It rained in the morning. GG picked 22 Hubbard squash for the church dinner. GGM cut the squash and cousin David helped.

Sunday August 30, 2009

We are trying to return to our normal routine. We got up at 0700 and head to the MAC. Instead of swimming 45 minutes we only swam 30. After the swim we head for Meijers for our weekly supplies. We have a full basket.

Nancy made her world famous poached eggs on toast for breakfast. We read the paper and then I took my Sunday afternoon nap. I could not sleep so I cut the grass. The grass was very long and I am sure the neighbors were starting to complain. I finished in 3 hours.

Nancy grilled hamburgers for dinner. After dinner we headed for bed.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a mild Tuesday. GG drove to Alpena in the morning. Cousins David and Sis came over for dinner. GG paid Geo Kitter $15 and he also dressed the chickens.

Saturday August 29, 2009

This is one confusing day. There is a 10 hour difference between GR and Almaty. We left at 0330 for Frankfurt. We had a 2 hour layover in Frankfurt and got home at 4 PM Saturday.

We were exhausted and after unpacking headed to bed. Jet lag is setting in.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Monday and another cool morning. Ice man came in the afternoon. GG and GGM drove to my grandparents in Hubbard Lake. They caught 5 chickens, 28 lbs. GG said they donated 2 chickens at $0.28 per pound. This last statement makes no sense.

Friday August 28, 2009

Today is our last day in Qyzylorda. We are scheduled to fly out at 4 PM. This is our last visit to Akerka at the baby house. The next time we see her will be in the USA. Today she walked all over the place. I was happy to see how active she was. Tasha will stay one more day.

After our visit we make our last stop at the coffee house. Nancy and I finished packing and then at 2:30 our driver picked us and took us to the airport. The flight left at 4 PM and arrived in Almaty at 6. Our flight to Frankfurt will leave at 3:30 AM Saturday. It was a long wait but I had my kindle so I finished 1 book and started another.

Some observations on our stay in Qyzylorda.
  • Although the area looks poor, the cafes and bazaars were full. No one appears to be missing any meals.
  • I understand that the Qyzylorda is in the heart of the oil exploration area. A large housing project was being built for the Canadians that are assisting in the exploration.
  • How come we did not see any motor cycles or scooters. Malaysia was loaded with scooters.
  • Qyzylorda is the most Muslim province in Kazakhstan. However, the women did not appear to follow the Muslim dress code. High heels, tight fitting jeans and bare midriffs were evident everywhere. Our visit was during the holy month of Ramadan.
  • Although Qyzylorda is hot and dry, mosquitoes were everywhere.
  • We were always blowing fuses in our apartment. The family that we visited said that when the reservoir behind the power dam became low, power was rationed. Daily outages were normal.
  • Soviet style architecture is not award winning.
  • The people were polite but no one smiled.
  • The lack of guns on police officers was surprising. We felt very safe in Kazakhstan.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a cool Sunday and the Ossineke team beat Nicholson Hill, 6 to 5. Twelve people attended the evening church service.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Thursday August 27, 2009

We got up early so that we can be at the baby house by 0730. Akerka was better today than yesterday. She even let me play with her. Every morning Tasha gives her cheerios and juice. Lately she has really been drinking the juice. I think it is the sugar. At 0830 we drive to Lisa and Mikes house. This is the couple that had us over for dinner on Sunday. They had arranged to have a driver and translator take us to Turkistan. Actually the translator is Lisa's 18 year old housekeeper and the driver is the housekeeper's brother. They are blue eyed Russian and very nice. Sergi, our driver, has a 4 door Fiat with a 5 speed manual transmission. No air conditioning. The ledge over the back seat is missing so the translator is sitting in the trunk. I get a front seat and Tasha and Nancy get the back seat.

Turkistan is about 280 k from Qyzylorda. We are travelling on the major east west highway in Kazakhstan. The road is 2 lane bituminous surfaced and in fair shape. Karen said she drove this road and averaged 40 mph. Sergei drove 130 kph (80 mph). He was a world champion tailgater. No one passed us. I was very impressed by his driving skills. It was a great drive. The area around Qyzylorda is desert but further west we encounter vast grass land areas. There are no fences in Kazakstan. We must slow down for herds of sheep, cattle, goats and of course Camels. Donkeys that are used to pulls carts also have free range. The only road kill we saw was a camel. The truck traffic was intense. All tractor trailer rigs have a pup. Sergei passed them all. About half way Sergei pulls off the road and heads south on a two track mud trail. He is taking us to a old decaying walled city. Most of the walls are gone but we got a good idea of what it looked like. Several worker were making an attempt to reconstruct a living area. We took several pictures. The walled city, built in 200-300 BC, was on the old Silk Road.

Our goal is to visit the Turkish Mosque in Turkistan. Turkistan, the city, looks better maintained than Qyzylorda. The streets are in better condition. I think because Turkistan gets more rain than Qyzylorda we noticed more green areas. The Mosque we are visiting was built by the Turks in the 12th century. I was a little worried going to a Mosque after all the news stories out of Iraq. However, none of the women were wearing the burkas (sp?) and we even had a nice English speaking guide take us through the Mosque. It was very interesting. The grounds surrounding the Mosque were well maintained. A large rose garden lined the walkway to the Mosque. The ride back took 3.5 hours. Sergei should get on the NASCAR circuit.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a cool Saturday. GG went to the garden and picked 1 bushel of corn for Laura. Apparently Laura canned some worms for Floyd Moore. GG drove to Alpena in the afternoon to see McNeal (surveyor) for Popperwell.

Wednesday August 26, 2009

The wind continues to blow. We have a light breakfast and at 0820 the driver picks us up to go to the baby house. Akerka continues to surprise me. Every day in every way she seem to get better and better. Her walking is improving and she is smiling and making more eye contact. We get to spend 1.5 hours with her. After our session we ask the translator for a good restaurant. She gave us the name of one and said the owner spoke English. It was too far to walk so the driver would pick us up at 5:40.

We walked back to the apartment. We again had coffee at my favorite cafe. I should mention that hamburgers appear to be a big item on the menu. After lunch we headed for the bazaar (again) to purchase more gifts. Tasha and Nancy each purchased items for their friends. I must admit I am getting tired of bazaars.

Every afternoon we spend some time reading. This afternoon is no exception. I have 5 books on my Kindle and so far have read 2. I did take a walk this afternoon and was able to figure out the downtown area.

Promptly at 5:40 our driver picks us up and drives us to the recommended restaurant. It was only about 4 block from the apartment and could have been an easy walk. No one in the restaurant spoke English. Also the menu did not have pictures. However, Tasha had a guide book that Karen had loaned her and we were able to place our order. Tasha and I had to lamb stew and Nancy had a chicken kebob. The meal along with 2 beers and a bottle of water cost us $14. We walked home.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a cool Friday and GG sold Lauri B eight dozen ears of corn for $0.80. GG worked in post office in the afternoon. After supper GG drove to Popperwell with deed, he is looking over abstract. (I think GG is trying to sell a piece of property.)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tuesday August 25, 2009

Boy what a difference a day makes, yesterday was hot and today it is cool and extremely windy. Dust is everywhere. We visit the baby house at 1030. Today Akerka starts to walk. She takes several steps and receives cheers from the family. I was very encouraged by her walking. I thought perhaps she had some problems with her legs but her walking today proved me wrong.

We all walk back to the apartment, gulag. We had lunch in our favorite coffee cafe. We like this place because the menu has pictures. I just point to what I want. After lunch we head to the bazaar (again). Tasha and Nancy are going to purchase some souvenirs. The high winds made walking very unpleasant. We spent a quiet evening at the apartment reading and swatting mosquitoes.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a cold, windy Thursday. GG picked 4 bushel of corn. He husked 1 bushel. Dinner this evening was at the church and they collected $18.

Monday August 24, 2009

Today is Tasha's big day. She has a ten o'clock court appointment. The judge will make a ruling regarding Tasha's adoption. We arrive at the baby house at 0800. Akerka is much more active today. Tasha leaves at 0900 and Nancy and I get to spend some quality time with Akerka. At 1130, Tasha calls and said the public defender did not show up so the court hearing is rescheduled for 3 PM.

Nancy and I walk home and meet Tasha. We have a quick lunch and get back to the court before 3. We all waited for over an hour for the public defender to show up. When he arrived Nancy and I were told to leave the hearing. We wait outside. Nancy was very thirsty so I walk across the street to buy a pop. I am looking for a store when I see Nancy waving me to come back. In little over 10 minutes the Judge had made his ruling. Tasha can adopt the baby. This was the good news we all wanted. It was very emotional.

We had dinner with Karen at a local pizza cafe. Karen helped us order. She speaks Russian which is the official language. I had a traditional Kazakh meal. It was like beef stew only with lamb.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Wednesday and it was cold, GG had to wear a coat today. GG took the family to Geo West's resort on Lake Avalon for a picnic. GG also mentioned that he got the pump handle fixed and it cost $0.50.

Sunday August 23, 2009

Today we cannot visit Akerka because the baby house is closed on Sunday. Tasha fixed scrambled eggs for breakfast. We have coffee at a local cafe. The cafe serves light dinners and also has a bakery. The cookies are good. After coffee we walk around the town. We visited a park that has a big statue of a local hero on a camel. Local wedding parties drive around the statue 2 times for good luck.

We stop by the local bazaar. It is crowded with a lot of pushing and shoving. I think of a bazaar as a poor man's outdoor mall. You can buy almost anything. Today it appears most of the people were buying back-to-school clothes for their kids.

In the afternoon we meet up with Karen Welsh and a Peace Corps member from MA. I mentioned Karen in yesterday's blog. Like Tasha, she is in the adoption process. The Peace Corps member is named Cho and he has spent 2 years in Qyzylorda. Cho was able to answer a lot of questions regarding the area. When we visited a Russian church he was able to explain the Russian influence in Qyzylorda. It was very hot today and the area reminds me of Tucson, not a blade of grass to be found.

This evening we visit an American family. Mike, Lisa and their four children have been living in Qyzylorda for about 8 years. Mike works for a private non-profit that works with local agencies to develop clean water. He is a graduate of Oregon State with a degree in hydro geology. The children are home schooled. Lisa is the teacher. The family all speak Kazakhstan. We had pizza for dinner and enjoyed talking with the family. Tasha had brought some books that they wanted from the USA.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Monday and GG noted that it was cool in the morning and warm in the afternoon. He said they all went to the garden and picked 2 bushel of corn. He gave 1/2 bushel, husked, to Laura because she was having company over for dinner. GG drove to Alpena to get some abstract business done.