Thursday, October 1, 2020

September 30, 2020

 Wednesday September 30, 2020

Blog time 1000 at Panera

Alarm goes off at 0630.  Nancy has two early classes this morning.  This afternoon she is working at the Gardens.  My sister, Helen, is due about 1400.  This evening Helen, Nancy and I are meeting Karen Horlings at Blue Water Grill for dinner.  The girls were all classmates at Albion.

Being my easy Wednesday calisthenics at 50%.

Short bike ride, 3 mi, to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast.

Weather folks say on and off rain all day.  They were right.  Noted hard rain while having breakfast.

Eavesdropping this morning most of the conversation was about last night’s Presidential debate.  All comments were negative.

I watched the debate for a short time.  It was terrible.  The UK papers all said the USA was embarrassed.  I agree.

Left Panera at 1015 and again I took a short route, 2.75 mi. I lucked out the rain had stopped just before heading home.

At home I started the laundry and emptied the trash and recyclables.  Read some more news on my IPad.  Found no news items I want to comment on.

Nancy was all dressed for her shift at Meijer’s Gardens.  At noon she got a call saying nobody was visiting so they canceled her shift.

Sister, Helen, arrived about 1500.  We all made at trip to Costco.  Helen made several purchases.  The Scott’s came home empty handed.

At 1700 we headed to Blue Water Grill in Plainfield Twp.  The place was jammed.  Waited 30 minutes before we got a table.  The reason for the wait was because of Coronavirus every other table was was not available.  This has to be hard on restaurants.

Helen and I had the salmon and Nancy and Karen had a French dip sandwich.  We all gave the food and drinks an A.  It was a very pleasant evening.

At home we sat in the living room and talked.  That is right folks just talked.  No TV etc.  Great way to spend an evening. I recommend it.

We all headed to bed at 2200. It was stilling raining when I went out at 2200.  Temperature will drop to high 40s by morning

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