Tuesday, October 20, 2020

October 19, 2020

Monday October 19, 2020

 Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up with 0630 alarm.  No MVP for Nancy today she has a 0900 dentist appointment.  I check the temperature and it was a chilly 36. Sunrise today 0759.  

I did my total exercise routine before my oatmeal breakfast.  Dressed warm, put my IPad in the backpack and pedaled 8 miles making Panera my first stop.  No Y today.

After getting coffee and croissant I read the Alpena News and checked emails.  Finished yesterday’s blog.

This and that:

Supreme Court will take up Border Wall construction.  I think the wall is stupid.

The UK, EU, and USA are struggling to contain the Coronavirus.   China seems to have it under control with photos showing folks partying without masks.

Massive Chinese fishing fleet is working near the Galapagos.  They turn off tracing devices and might be fishing over the 200 mile limit.  The Ecuadorian Government is worried.  They asked the USA Coast Guard for assistance.  A USCG ship was dispatched but all they could do is watch because the Chinese ship remained over the 200 mile limit when being watched.

Are the small Militia group really a threat?  Or just immature men playing guns?

Work at home folks are moving to small towns.  What happens when called back to office?

China, Cuba and Russia are now members of the UN Human Rights Council.  Three countries that trample out Human Rights.  Where is the outcry from Democracies?

Left for home at noon.  This afternoon Jacobson’s H&C is coming to perform a maintenance check on our furnace.  Expected time between 1300 and 1600.

At home Nancy gave me an update on her dental work.  Two temporary crowns.  Permanent crowns next week.

Nancy also called her heart doctor and has an appointment next Monday.  She will be give a stress test.

Quick shower. I was preparing lunch and noted I was out of yogurt.  Made quick trip to Meijer’s for yogurt.

After lunch I headed downstairs and spent most of the afternoon reading the news.  

Jacobson’s Maintenance Man arrived at 1600.  He checked out the furnace and installed new filters.  We should be set for winter.

Ended the afternoon with a short walk.  Light dinner tonight of Cheerios and croissant.  Had pumpkin pie for dessert.

Watched news and Jeopardy before switching to Acorn.  Watched a Dark show about attorneys in Edinburgh.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched Netflix’s “The Woods” a crime show filmed in Poland.  The English subtitles are sometimes out of sync.  The show was written by Harlan Coben.

Every thing was ok when checked front yard at 2200.  Temperature will drop to high 30s this evening. 


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