Saturday, October 17, 2020

October 16, 2020

 Friday October 16, 2020

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Alarm gets us up at 0630.  I check the temperature and it was 32.  First frost of the fall.

Nancy headed out early for her two classes at MVP.  Once again no Y today, did my entire exercise at home.  Breakfast and then bundled up and headed out on my 8.5 mile ride.  At home I grabbed my backpack and headed to Panera.  Will shower later.

This and that:

The Coronavirus is causing more poverty.  This is to be expected with hotels and restaurants seeing their businesses tanking.  No need for low wages workers.  Federal aid is needed for these workers.

Thailand’s King is under attack by pro democracy advocates.

Amy Barrett came across as a classy lady.

The UK’s paper The Telegraph savaged last night’ performance by both candidates.  NBC’s Guthrie was accused of being biased.  Biden’s performance was criticized because of his confusing answers.

Left Panera for home at 1200. It was raining and windy.  The temperature was 52, 20 degrees warmer than at 0800. Got home from Panera at 1230.  Showered and then lunch followed by errands.

Dropped our ballots off at Cascade Twp. My 100% voting record is intact.

 Next stop was the Cleaner Place.  Dropped off 5 shirts to be cleaned.

Also stopped at UM Metro Health to inquire about getting my coronavirus test next Thursday.  I was told no problem. No appointment needed.

This afternoon I watched a 1940s Looney Tunes cartoons.  YouTube has many Looney Tune cartoons.  Love Looney Tunes, I subscripted to their comic book.

Finished the afternoon with a short nap.

For dinner Nancy fixed some home made chili.  Very good.  Also had coleslaw and a scone.

Watched news and Jeopardy before switching to Prime.  Tonight we watched two episodes of Whitechapel.  

Missy FaceTimed us tonight.  LA is sweltering and GR has frost warnings up.  

The temperature had already dropped to 40 when I checked outside at 2200.  Will need my electric blanket tonight.

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