Wednesday, October 7, 2020

October 6, 2020

 Tuesday October 6, 2020

Blog time 1230 at Panera

Nancy was up early this morning.  She had to get to the pool early to get a lane.  At 1130 she has her Root Canal.  If she is feeling ok we will go to Costco after lunch.

This morning shaved before push-ups and chin-ups.  Breakfast and then headed to the Y.  Temperature was in mid 40s so no need for heavy pants or jackets.  The fall colors get better and better every day.  No critters today.

Once again the Y was not crowded.  Folks must be avoiding working out inside especially when the weather is so good.

At home showered before heading to Panera.  Ordered coffee and blueberry bagel.  Read Alpena News and emails before starting blogs.

This and that:

This mornings Alpena News said 35% voter turnout in August primary.  However, the number of young folks voting was disappointing.  Older folks get a gold star.

Nationwide based on absentee ballots already received a record turnout is predicted.  

POTUS says he will attend next week’s debate.  I sure hope he get clearance from his medical staff.  

On August 29 I am having surgery.  I must get a Coronavirus test on the 22nd.  It takes 7 days to get results?  POSTUS and professional athletes get results in 24 hours.  Is this fair?

Nobel Prize in Physics announced today.  Two men and a women, all white.  Will we hear protests?

The President announces that no relief package until after the election.  The stock market immediately tanked.  Most economists agree an immediate stimulus package is needed.  Congress should ignore POTUS and get a package passed.

After lunch Nancy and I headed to Costco.  It was senior’s day. We filled our list.  

Took a nap this afternoon.  For dinner tonight Nancy and I headed to Russ’s.  We both had a bowl of chicken rice soup and muffin.  I think Nancy and I were the youngest patrons.

At home we watched some local news before switching to Shepard Smith on CNBC.  Watched for 30’ before switching to Jeopardy.  Finished the evening watching crime show on Acorn.

Debbie called this evening wanting to know how Nancy’s root canal went.  Nancy gave a positive report.

Temperature was in 60s when headed out at 2200.  Morning temps will be in 60s.  Several days ago morning temps in 30s. 

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