Tuesday, October 6, 2020

October 5, 2020

Monday October 5, 2020

Blog time 1215 at Panera

Up at 0630.  Nancy has an early class at MVP.  I asked about her quality of sleep and she said bad.  She has a tooth acting up.

Push-ups and chin-ups before breakfast.  It was 33 degrees so I got out my lined bike pants.  Took all my work out gear to put in my locker this morning.  My bike bag and saddle bags were full.

As I entered the Y two deer ran across my path. Only critters I saw this morning.

The locker room was open but the attendant told me the locker I rent was not available.  I grumbled about being charged for the locker and being able to use it.  I was looking forward to a shower after working out.  Not going to happen.  

The inside Y was not crowded.  However, the outside classes were full.  I shiver when see folks working out in 40 degree temperature.

At home I unloaded my bike of all the gear I had intended to leave at the Y.  Showered and then biked to Panera.

Nancy called our dentist about her tooth ache.  She got an 1100 appointment.

It is now 1230 and the temperature is now 55.  20 degrees warmer than early morning. 

This and that:

Several of President Trump’s team have also contacted the Coronavirus.  Why didn’t these clowns wear a mask.

Lions lost another one.

Stock Market goes up, go figure.

Democratic Government’s lack of concern regarding China’s strong arm tactics especially against minorities in their own country is disturbing.  

Good grief, this morning President Trump tweeted 18 times.  Give it a rest POTUS.

Everyone agrees congress needs to pass a relief package.  But no agreement yet.

The Supreme Court appointment hearings are confusing because several key GOP senators have tested positive.  I think Ms Barrett is a good choice.  What is wrong with a Christian being appointed.  The USA is losing it Christian roots.  The Dems left wing have said there is no place in the party for folks who are anti-abortion.  Shame on them.  The USA should be a big umbrella.

The Nobel Prize committee has awarded the Prize in Medicine to two USA Doctors and one from UK.  Folks are already criticizing because the winners are white men.  I thought the prize was awarded on merit?

Did not get home from Panera until 1300.  Nancy reported that she has an infected tooth.  She has an appointment for a root canal tomorrow. Ouch!

Lunch and then loaded up the Bianchi and took it to Ada Bike to get a smaller front chain ring.  The smaller ring will make pedaling easier.  

Got a message on the Escape’s panel that my key battery needed to be replaced.  Told Nancy that I had to go to Fox Ford for a new key battery.  She said she wanted to go.  Dropped her off at Trader Joe’s while I got the battery replaced.  TJ’s was not busy so Nancy was waiting for me.

This afternoon I took a short nap.  No walk today.

For dinner we had Cheerios with strawberries.  Watched the news and at 1900 I watched Shepard Smith new show on CNBC.  No Jeopardy tonight.

It being Monday we watched a new episode of The Sounds.  After we watched an episode of The Advocates.  The show is set in Edinburgh in the 90s.  

It was still in the 50s when I checked the front yard.  Warmup tomorrow with temps reaching 65.

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