Friday, October 2, 2020

October 1, 2020

 Thursday October 1, 2020

Blog time 1430 sitting in office.

Nancy and I slept in until 0700 this morning.  Helen was still sleeping.  I brought up the coffee pot from the basement and we made a pot of huckleberry coffee.  We purchased this coffee in Montana when on a tour of the northern Rockies.  Very good.

Helen has a tight schedule this morning so she did not want to go out for breakfast.  We all had a scone Nancy had purchased from Sugar Momma.  Very good.

We had some light rain early this morning. It was cool, 51.

After Helen left I did some light calisthenics.  Put on bike clothes and headed out on a 10.5 mile ride.  No Y today.  I lucked out, encountered no rain.

Showered and then started reading Alpena News and emails.

Nancy at 1300 is taking our old neighbor Sonya to Costco and D&W.  Nancy headed out and before she got to Sonya’s it started to rain hard.  Also some heavy hail was mixed in.  Nancy headed home and will return when the rain stops.

Quick lunch and then finished yesterday’s blog.  It is now 1450 and Nancy has just returned.  I will pause this blog and run some errands.  Stay tuned.

My first stop was the laundry to pick up shirts.  Next I stopped at Starbucks and purchased a gift card.  The Starbucks I used is new.  It has limited seating but they do a gang buster drive through business.  They always have at least 10 cars in line.

Finished the afternoon with a 0.66 mile walk.  Encountered a cold brisk west wind.  Several days of cold weather ahead.

For dinner I had a bowl of oatmeal.  Nancy finished her beef dip from Wednesday night.  

Tonight at 1900 we watched a hour debate between candidates running for the US House.  The GOP candidate is Pete Meijer’s, Great Grandson of the founder of the Meijer’s Thrifty Acres.  I was pleasantly surprised at how articulate Mr Meijer’s was.  I like the fact that he is an Army vet having served in the midEast. He has my vote.

We watched two episodes of Absentia before turning in.  Checked front yard at 2200.  It was cold.  Temp might reach mid 30s by morning.  BRR!

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