Saturday, October 24, 2020

October 23, 2020

 Friday October 23, 2020

Blog time noon sitting in office.

Forgot to set the alarm last night.  I got up at 0700.  Because we are quarantined, no MVP or Y today.

Nancy headed out before 0800 to her heart Doctor.  She is having a stress test today.  

I did the calisthenics.  Had planned on going for a bike ride but it was pouring rain so I showered and fixed breakfast.  I drove to Panera and quickly ran in and bought a coffee and croissant to take home.  I wore my mask so think this action is permitted.

Speaking of quarantine when in Vietnam enlisted men were confined to quarters for a week before going back to the States. The GI’s called it PCOD. It was not popular.

I got a call from Dr Kutsche telling me that my EKG is scheduled for Monday at 0800. After the EKG I think I have to take one more test before surgery.  I take it the day before.

Kim is now cleaning upstairs.  As soon as she headed downstairs Nancy and I are taking a short car trip.

This and that:

On this weekend in 1955 the AHS Wildcats travelled to Atwood Stadium in Flint, Mi to play Flint Central.  Flint Central was a highly rated team.  Over 4,000 folks at the game and most of them Alpena fans.  A lot of former Alpena residents had moved to Flint to work in the GM plants.  It was a hard fought games.  Alpena tied the game with less than a minute left.  Unfortunately we missed the extra point but most of the players were glad with tie.  I played the whole game and can still remember some important plays and players.   Old memories never die!  What did I have for breakfast?

One of Flint Central’s players was Don Riegle.  Mr Riegle was a three term Senator from Mi.  

Nancy just asked me what I wanted for dinner.  I told her it was Friday so I would have the Cod.  For my Catholic friends Friday was meatless.  We were not catholic but we usually had fish on Friday.  My mother often asked me to stop at the local fish market along the river and get a white fish for dinner.  It had been caught earlier in the day.  Love white fish.

Tommy Collings would get mad when we were at Jim and Ann’s getting a great hamburger.  We alway reminded him it was Friday.  Not nice.

I cannot get over the great clarity of the NASA’s photos from the asteroid Bennu.  They were taken 200 million miles from earth.

Nancy just got the results of her stress test.  Everything is normal.

About 1130 we headed out and a short car trip.  Today we headed east on M21(Fulton St).  We passed through Ada, Lowell and Ionia.  The colors were still great.  It rained the entire trip.  Our car trips are about 2 hours in length.

It was raining and 66 when we first got up.  It is now 1500.  Still raining but temp has dropped to 55.  Will drop to low 30s by tomorrow morning.

This afternoon I took a short nap.  Finished the afternoon today with a 1.4 mile walk.  It took 31 minutes so I got my 30 in today.

As mentioned earlier I had cod for dinner.  Also string beans, cottage cheese and part of a scone.  Very good.

Debbie called us at 1900.  She wanted to know how Nancy’s stress test went.  Nancy  gave a positive report.

Tonight we watched “Mystery Road” on Acorn.  It is getting good.  I stayed up and watched a Polish Crime show on Netflix “Signs”.  Kind of gloomy.

Speaking of Gloomy, it was very dark when checked the front yard at 2200.  The wind was blowing the leaves around.  Spooky.

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