Sunday, October 25, 2020

October 24, 2020

 Saturday October 24, 2020

Blog time 1640 sitting in office.  Nancy is also in office cleaning her desk.  Things we get done when quarantined.

This morning slept in until 0700.  We decided that a walk was appropriate.  Dressed and headed out at 0745.  It was cold, 32 and dark.  Sunrise today is 0808.  I will be glad when we switch to EST next week.  Walked 1.3 miles and never encountered a soul.

We needed some supplies to carry us over to next Thursday.  I made a quick trip to Meijer’s.  The store was empty.  I was in and out in 10 minutes.  Stopped at the Panera Drive Thru on way home.  Got coffee for Nancy and Bob.

Oatmeal breakfast and then headed down stairs for some reading.  Bad news! AHS has not won a football game this season. 

At 1130 I put on warm bike clothes and headed out on an 11 mile ride.  Just getting started when 5 deer ran across the road. Made my day.  Encountered many bikers out taking advantage of the bright sun.

At home shaved and showered and put on comfortable cords before lunch.  

This and that:

Debbie and Alessandra tried a three way FaceTime visit with Nancy.  Could not get any video.  Finally determined Nancy’s phone was too old.  Tried using my iPhone and it worked.  Nancy, Debbie and Alessandra had a nice talk.

Family Peonies: 

My Great Grandfather James Lee Sanborn was born in Sanborn, NY in 1856.  His wife Harriet Loretta Roberts was born in 1857 also in NY.  They married in 1879.

Great Grandmother Sanborn brought with her several Peony bulbs when she and GGF moved to Ossineke, Mi in the early1880s.  The bulbs had been in the Robert’s family for years.

My Grandmother, born Florence Sanborn, married Robert Rayburn Scott and they settled in Hubbard Lake, MI.  She brought several Peony bulbs with her.  Grandmother Scott was known for her pretty Peonies.

My Dad, Robert Sanborn Scott, dug up several of the bulbs at Hubbard Lake and planted them at his office, Scott Engineering, in Alpena.  The plants thrived.

Several years ago my Sister, Helen, dug up the bulbs at the office and moved them to her home in Gaylord.  The bulbs survived except for one bulb.  Her husband Don had a party with his buddies and they used the Destroyed bulb as an urinal.

Helen thinks the Peonies have survived for over 175 years.  Helen will pass the bulbs down to her son Jason who has a green thumb.

1500 I took a short 0.8 mile walk.  Spent the rest of the afternoon in the office writing blogs and reading.

For dinner we had meatballs with mashed potatoes.  Very good.  

This evening we watched a movie on Netflix.  It was called “Agatha and the Truth of Murder”.  I gave it an A but Nancy only a B.  

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed tonight.  We all reported everything is fine.

It was cold when checked the front yard at 2200.  Temperature will drop to near freezing this evening.

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