Monday, October 12, 2020

October 11, 2020

 Sunday October 11, 2020

Blog time 1300 sitting in office

Up at 0700.  Nancy headed out on a 3 mile walk.  I dressed and drove to Panera to get our morning coffee.  I also got a croissant for me.

After breakfast I set up my iPad in the living room.  Today we will watch Trinity  Lutheran’s streaming church service starting at 0915.  

NOT!  I could not get today’s service on YouTube.  Bummer.  I think the problems is with the Church’s system.

Instead of church we took a color tour of northern Kent and southern Montcalm Counties.  We drove in bright sunshine.  

Both Nancy and I agree that we hit peak fall colors.  Absolutely beautiful ride.  Drove through the small towns of Howard City, Sand Lake, Cedar Springs and Rockford.  Fall in MI is great.

This and that:

I did check the headlines today but found nothing I want to comment on.  Most folks we know are taking a break from current events.

Nancy taught me to proofread everything I write before sending. She is right.  I always find several errors.  Maybe POTUS should listen to Nancy.

I forgot to mention in a previous blog that we have picked out a slate flooring for our kitchen and hall.  Installation will be done in late November or December.

I was recently asked what was my most valuable class in High School. 10 years ago I would have said a math or science class.  However, presently the most valuable class for me was typing.  I spend about 8 hours a week typing.  My handwriting has deteriorated to the point I have difficulty signing my name.  

If Amy Barrett is confirmed for the Supreme Court the majority of members will be Catholics.  My! how times have changed.  A lot of talk about JFK when he ran for President in 1960 that he would be our first Catholic president.  All previous Presidents were Masons.  

Family legend has it that the Hughes family, devout Protestants, were living in Wales and when Protestant Oliver Cromwell was recruiting an army to invade Ireland the Hughes men signed on as mercenaries about 1649.  After Cromwell defeated the Irish the Hughes stayed in Ireland settling near Gorey in County Wexford.  After the Irish Catholics started attaching Protestants the Hughes family moved to Canada in 1800s.

Lunch and then finished yesterday’s blog and started todays.

At 1400 took a 2 mile walk.  My only exercise for the day.

Took a nap today.  For dinner Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with a scone and some freshly made apple sauce.  The apple sauce was great.

Tonight 60 Minutes was delayed because of the NFL game.  We did finally watch it.  Debbie called tonight.  We told her about our great color tour this morning.  

It was almost 2100 when 60 Minutes ended so Nancy headed to bed.  I stayed up and watched an episode of Babylon Berlin on Netflix.

It was mild and pitch black when I made my evening check of the front yard.  Rain predicted for tomorrow afternoon.


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