Wednesday, October 14, 2020

October 13, 2020

 Tuesday October 13, 2020

Blog time 1130 at Panera

The alarm goes off at 0630.  Nancy put on her swim suit and headed out.  It was cold this morning 41. I will wear my lined pants and winter bike jacket when I bike to the Y.

Chin-ups and sit-ups this morning before breakfast.  Breakfast was oatmeal with yogurt topping and a banana.

The sun was just peaking over the horizon when headed out at 0800.  The sun was low enough in the sky to make riding East difficult.

At the Y I did my calisthenics and walk before showering.  The Y no longer provides towels so I had to bring my own.  Headed straight to Panera after leaving the Y.  The temperature was now 51 degrees.

Coffee and two croissants at Panera.  Since I have been on the soft food diet I have become hooked on croissants

This and that;

Will we experience a coronavirus surge this winter? Many experts are worried but agree a total lock down will not work.  Wear your masks folks.

Recent reports say there has been a recent surge in returned mail in ballots.  Experts predict a record turnout. Good a record turnout is what a democratic government should have.  Everyone participating.

Supreme Court nominee Barrett seems to be holding her own.  I am impressed.

We have been receiving some very nasty political ads in the mail.  Most have been sent from organizations I have never heard of.

Got home at 1230 and after a quick lunch we drove to the Tanger’s Discount Mall.  I was surprised to see Brook Brothers open.  They must have solved their money problems.  The Manger said they were closed for 6 months.  Opened several days ago.

Nancy purchased an item at Talbots’s.  I came home empty handed.

Today being the 13th I had to buy a lottery ticket.  We stopped at D&W.  I hope I am as lucky as I was in 1956 when I won a jeep in a lottery with ticket #13.

This afternoon I took a short nap.  For dinner I had several tamales and Nancy had mac and cheese.

After the dishes I took a short walk.  Needed the walk to close my iPhone circles.

Watched news until when we switched to Jeopardy.  Surprise! a football game was on.  Football on Tuesday?

We watched several shows on Acorn.  The name of the shows escapes me.

When checking the front yard at 2200 a deer ran across Tahoe. Made my day.  Temperature down to 30s tonight.

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