Thursday, October 15, 2020

October 14, 2020

 Wednesday October 14, 2020

Because the sun does not come up until 0800 we need an alarm to help us get up.  0630 is our default time.

Nancy headed out for her two classes at MVP.  Today I have to get my blood and urine tested.  I have been fasting since 1900 last night.

I did my total routine at 50% before heading to the Doctor’s office.  I was lucky no wait.

After the doctor I drove to Panera for an oatmeal, coffee and croissant breakfast.  I had a chance to check email and finish yesterday’s blog.

Today is easy Wednesday.  Laundry, trash and recyclables are on my agenda.  Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.

At 1130 I started out on a 7.75 mile bike ride.  Noted more and more leaves on bike trail.  Soon will have bare trees.  Bummer.

At home, showered and started my Wednesday chores.  Found time for my normal lunch of yogurt, bread w/peanut butter, bottle on Ensure and a vanilla pudding.  Sound good?

This and that:

Senator Romney talked about the sorry state of politics.  I agree.  We need more politicians like Romney.

Why does the GOP allow a QAnon believer on the ballot?  What they believe in is downright stupid.

Lately I have been having flash back to the 60s.  In Oct of 1960 I was finishing up at UM and started interviewing for a job.  The first question asked was my draft status.  I told the interviewer that I was 1A.  Interviewer lost interest.

One year later, Oct 1961, Ensign Scott was attending the Navy’s Civil Engineering Corps school at Port Hueme, Ca.

Oct 1962 I was stationed on Midway Island.

Oct 1963 and 1964 I was stationed in Vietnam.

Oct 1965 and 1966 Nancy and I were married and living in Redwood City, Ca.

Oct 1967 I was in Grad school at UM.

Oct 1968-1969 we were living in Grand Rapids with two beautiful girls.

We are so tired of all the political ads on TV.

Found time this afternoon for a nap followed by a mile walk.

Nancy said the Garden was not busy this afternoon.

The real impact of the Coronavirus is now beginning to sink in to most folks.  It is not nice.

We had our usual Wednesday night dinner followed by the news.

Tonight we watched Vexed on Netflix.  

Light rain when I checked the yard at 2200.  Low tonight will be 50.

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