Thursday, October 22, 2020

October 21, 2020

 Wednesday October 21

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up with alarm at 0630.  Today I have Breakfast Club which starts at 0730. Today is also easy Wednesday so I did the calisthenics at 50%.

Nancy headed out early for two classes at MVP.  This afternoon she is working at the Gardens.

Today’s Speaker talked about a new court for Veterans who run afoul of the law.  The speaker got off track so my mind wandered.  Of course my mind wanders all the time.

After BC I got on the Bianchi and headed to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast.  Sunny and mild.  Read hometown paper and checked emails before finishing yesterday’s blog.  

Left Panera at 1130.  Took a 6.8 mile route home arriving at 1230.  

Gathered up trash and started a load of laundry before lunch.  Lunch today, as always, was yogurt, bottle of ensure, vanilla pudding and today I added a banana.

This afternoon I took a short nap.  Finished the afternoon with a 1.25 mile walk.  

This and that:  

Less than 2 weeks before the election.  I swear when watching the local news that political ads take up more time than the actual news.  TV stations must be making a mint with all the ads.

Most of the legislators in Washington are career politicians.  I have changed my mind on term limits.  I now favor term limits.

Peak fall colors have passed.  Noted a lot of bare trees.

I always thought the UK was devoid of wildlife.  Since reading the UK papers and looking at photos I am surprised at the abundance of animals, especially members of the deer family.  Anyone with an Apple iPad or computer that has the N app should look at the The Telegraph’s photos of the day.

Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We said Bob and Nancy continue sheltering in place.

After Jeopardy we watched Wycliffe on Prime.  I stayed up and watched episode 1 of season 2 of my favorite Polish Police show.

It was raining and mild, 47 when checked the front yard at 2200. The weather folks say it should rain all night and most of tomorrow.   

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