Friday, October 30, 2020

October 28, 2020

 Wednesday October 28, 2020

Blog time 1530 sitting in office

Today is my easy Wednesday.

We slept in until 0700 this morning.  Nancy headed out first thing for her 3 mile walk.  

I dressed and drove to Panera’s drive thru.  Purchased two coffees and a bagel.  At home I had my oatmeal breakfast.

After breakfast I drove to Metro’s Healths Lab.  This morning I had my last post op test.  Total time in lab was 10 minutes.

At home I headed down to the office.  Completed yesterday’s blog and read the papers.

At noon I took a 2 mile walk.  Beautiful day for a walk with temps in mid 40s and bright sun.  Perfect fall day.

Lunch, then accomplished my normal Wednesday chores. Laundry, trash and recyclables before heading down to office.   

Spent the rest of the afternoon reading. 

For dinner we had Cheerios with cottage cheese and croissants.

After dinner I shaved and showered.  Metro Hospital said I had to shower the evening before the operation and tomorrow morning I also must shower.  Must use a good soap.  Ivory was approved.  No after showers lotions.

In keeping with our pledge to not watch the national news until after the election, we switched immediately after dinner to Acorn.  Watched an episode of Mystery Road on Acorn.  I give it an A- and Nancy a B-. 

It was sprinkling with temps in high 30s when checked front yard at 2200.  

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