Monday, October 26, 2020

October 25, 2020

 Sunday October 25, 2020

Blog time 1717 sitting in office

Typical weekend morning we both slept in until 0730.  I quickly got dressed and headed to Panera.  Took the Drive Thru and bought coffee, hazelnut for Nancy and light roast for me.  Also bought myself a blueberry bagel.  

Fixed oatmeal with plain yogurt topping.  Also had a banana with my coffee.  

Read several sections of the GRP before bringing up my iPad so we could watch the live stream service from Trinity Lutheran. Today was Reformation Sunday.  Today was also the first time in 8 months that members were allowed inside the church.  About 50 folks attended.  The rest of us watched the service virtually.  Ten months ago I did not know what virtual meant.

After church Nancy bundled up and headed out for a walk.  She walked over 3 miles.  

At 1130 I took a 9 mile bike ride.  It was cold 39 but with little wind the ride was pleasant.  No critters on the ride but this afternoon our 3 neighborhood Sand Hill Cranes were strolling in the back yard.

I had a light lunch.  Followed lunch with a nap.

For several days the bike riding app on my iWatch has been recording my mileage wrong.  I could not determine the reason for this discrepancy.  So when all else fails I turned my watch off.  

Several hours later I tried to turn the watch on.  No luck I punched all the buttons.  I even went to YouTube and found a video on how to turn the watch on.  Apparently this is a common problem with the iWatch.  Nothing worked. 

I left the iWatch on my desk and when I checked an hour later the watch was on.  Go figure.  I will test how it registers miles on tomorrow’s ride.

Both UM and Lions won this weekend.  I did not watch.  I get tired of being lectured to by jocks.  

The GRP had an interesting article on slavery yesterday.  A black reporter with some downtime hours because of the Coronavirus did some research on his family.  The results surprised me.  He found that his ancestors were indeed slaves.  He even found the name of the person who owned them.  They were Native Americans.  I did not know that Native Americans were slave owners.

Speaking of Native Americans my Granddaughter Akerke was born in Kazakhstan.  Missy had her DNA done several years ago.  The DNA as you would expect has Han Chinese, Kazak, Russian and surprise American Indian.  She has much more Native American Ancestry than Senator Warren.  

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I had mine with spinach pie.

We stared to watch 60 Minutes and found the major stories were interviews with the Presidential Candidates.  Like most citizens we have had enough of the Presidential candidates.  In a country of over 300 million this is the best we can do.  Two draft dodging old men with suspect mental capacity.

Tonight we watched an episode of Mystery Road.  I stayed up and watched another Polish Crime show on Netflix, The Mire.

Pitch black with sprinkles when made my front yard check at 2200.  Temperature will fall the mid 30s tonight.

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