Monday, October 19, 2020

October 18, 2020

 Sunday October 18, 2020

Blog time 1330 sitting in living room.

Both up at 0700.  No walk today for Nancy, she is experiencing some chest pain.  I dress and head to Panera to get us both a coffee.  I got myself a croissant.

At home fixed oatmeal.  Also had my croissant and a banana.

Set up my iPad in the living room and today we watched the 0915 streaming service from Trinity Lutheran.  Today’s homily was appropriate given todays nasty political climate.

Speaking of Homilies today my sister, Helen,  is giving the homily at her church in Gaylord.  She sent me a link.

After church I headed to Meijer’s.  Purchased some supplies.  The store was not crowded.

At home I took the deck furniture downstairs.  Also hung up suet for the birds. 

We had off and on rain all day today.  Dark and gloomy.  

You would think the Sand Hill Cranes would be south by now.  However, we have three Cranes living in our back yard.  We see them marching single file by our window daily.  Majestic birds.

Our neighbors who live in the other condo in our building have left for warmer climes.  They travel a lot and I think they lived less than a month in GR this summer.

Good Grief! will the attack political ads never end.  Thankfully in two weeks it will all be over.  

I hope our citizens realize we live in a democracy where the Majority rules.  We should accept the election results.

It being Sunday I took an afternoon nap.  Finished the afternoon with a 1.7 miles walk in a light drizzle. Avg time per mile 25’.

Tonight Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with spinach pie and part of a scone.  

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes followed by Schitt’s Creek.  The show gets rave reviews but I don’t get it.

In the late 40s following dinner the SCOTT family would sit down by the radio and listen to Jack Benny show.  My parents really liked this comedy. 

Another radio show we listened to was “The Shadow”.  It was on a 4PM and sponsored by Oh Henry candy bars.  Radio was fun.

Talked to Debbie and Missy this evening.  It was cold and still misting when checked the front yard at 2200.


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