Friday, October 23, 2020

October 22, 2020

 Thursday October 22, 2020

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up with the 0630 alarm.  Nancy headed out immediately so she can get a lane at the pool.

It rained hard all night.  Rain should end at noon.

This morning I have to get a Covid test.  It is needed before my surgery next week.

I did all the calisthenics and then shaved and showered before breakfast.  Headed to Metro Health on Cascade Road to get my test.  I thought I would have to wait a long time.  Surprise I was out in 30 minutes.

After the test I drove to Panera for my morning coffee and read.

This and that:

I have not watched any sports since February.  I do know the Dodgers are in the World Series but who cares!

I am getting tired listening to all the medical experts pontificating about the long term impact of the Coronavirus.  Who really knows?

In my youth at this time of year home owners would rake their leaves into the street‘s gutters.  The City would pick them up.  Being kids we would drive our bikes through the piles scattering leaves everywhere.  Mr Bertrand, a grouchy old man, got mad and put a concrete block in his pile.  Tommy Collins hit the block and went over his handle bars.  He was not hurt but I really think Mr Bertrand regretted his actions.  I think I told this story last year, sorry.

Some folks would rake the leaves into a pile and burn them.  They thought the smell of burning leaves was great.  We would put chestnuts into the fire and they would explode.  Of course burning leaves is now banned.  The Environmentalists ruin everything.

Right now I am listening to a Hank Williams CD.  Great music.

Will the EU and UK ever reach a BRexit Agreement?  Of course we have the same problem with the stimulus package.  Who ever said democracy was efficient!

At home I had a quick lunch. Nancy wonders why I don’t get tired of the same menu everyday for lunch.  I like it because it is healthy and simple.  Simple is good.

Received a call from Ada Bike saying my Cannondale Bad Boy was fixed.  Put on bike clothes and Nancy drove me to Ada.  Picked up the bike and pedaled home.  Great fall day for a bike ride.  The path was full of colorful leaves.

No nap or walk today.  For dinner we finished the leftovers in the refrigerator.  I had a bowl of butter squash bisque, coleslaw and scone.  Good!

Tonight we did not watch the debate.  We have already voted.

Watched an episode of “Call the Midwifes”.  Great show, well written.

Tonight Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us.  Told them that because I had my Coronavirus test today we are quartered until after my surgery.  Of course we can go out for necessary trips to buy groceries, etc.

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