Friday, October 30, 2020

Thursday October 29, 2020

 Thursday October 29, 2020

Blog time Friday Oct 30 in office.

Thursday I was up with the alarm 0600.  Not allowed any food after 2000 last night, also no alcohol until Friday. 

We have to be at Metro Hospital at 0920.  Left home at 0830 thinking commuter traffic would be heavy.  Not the case.  Arrived at 0900 and sat in car for 15 minutes talking.

Check in and post op procedures were well organized.  Would you expect less from a UM operation.  Talked with Surgeon and Gas Doctor before being wheeled in the operating room at exactly 0950.  Next thing I remember I was being moved to the recovery room.  Operation was about 45 minutes.

We were give detailed post op instructions.  For pain I was to take Motrin and Tylenol alternating pills every three hours.  I was also given a prescription for an opiate if needed.  The Doctor recommended as a minimum I take one before bed tonight.  

Comments on my experience:

I was amazed at how large the Hospital facility was.  The capital investment must have been substantial.  Metro is one of three hospitals in GR.

The ratio of nurses to patient was over 3 to 1.  

Once I decided on the surgery I could pick my date.  I hear horror stories about the NHS in the UK.  Normal wait for an operation like mine would be many months.  

Health care is the big campaign issue but our experience with the health system has been great.  I hope the Dems don’t kill the golden goose.

If you want to bring the cost of health care down we should shoot all folks over 75.  Almost all the folks we saw at the hospital yesterday were seniors.

The staff was obsessed with sanitation.  I was glad.

On a negative note most of the staff were way overweight.

Got home about noon.  I was still groggy but found time for a quick lunch.  Spent the afternoon napping.

Debbie and Missy all FaceTimed us this afternoon wanting know how everything went.  I reported things went well.  I was groggy with minor pain.

Critter report:  

Some stupid Robins are still around.

We saw a large buck and doe in our backyard.  The buck had an impressive rack.

We think the 3 Sand Hill Cranes have finally left for NM.

Dinner tonight was Tomato soup with cottage cheese.  Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched an episode of Babylon Berlin.  I took an opiate pill before turning in.

It was sprinkling when checked the front yard at 2200. 

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