Friday, October 16, 2020

October 15, 2020

 Thursday October 15, 2020

Up with 0630 alarm.  Nancy headed to her Thursday swim.  Today I did my entire exercise at home.  No Y today.

The temperature was in 50s but the wind was fierce, 20 mph.  

I rode my normal route, backwards, so I could have the wind at my back most of the way.  It is much easier.

Shaved and showered and then biked to Panera.  Still dark and gloomy.  Ordered coffee and croissant before starting my morning read.  I enjoy my reading time, a luxury of retirement.

Forest Hills Schools must be open.  I passed several locations where kids were waiting for buses.  Parents drove them to the stop and were waiting until the bus picked them up.   Helicopter parents?  As a youth I lived within walking distance of school. I don’t think the school system owned a bus.

The USA is so wrapped up in the election and coronavirus that they neglect some important world news.

The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan is heating up and could expand beyond it regional boundaries.  Turkey is backing Azerbaijan and Russia is backing Armenia.  Neither country is on friendly terms with the USA.

What is happening with the BRexit negotiations?  Europe like the USA is distracted with their own coronavirus resurgence.

China is using the EU and USA’s distractions to expand its powers.  China will be a big problem for our next President.  Are either candidates up to it?

Lunch and then I ran some errands.  

Last year I bought a speedometer for my Bianchi.  I don’t like it.  I packaged it up.  Drove to D&W to mail to Steve.  Maybe he can put it on one of his kid’s bike. 

While at D&W I bought more sugar free vanilla pudding.  I eat about three cups a day.  

Spent time in my office reading WSJ.  1700 I fell asleep reading so decided to take a snooze.  Fell asleep in my recliner in the den.  Sound sleep for 30 minutes.  I have my deepest sleep in a chair.  

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a pasta dish along with string beans.  For dessert I had a piece of my Sister’s apple pie.  Very good.

Watched news and Jeopardy before switching to Prime.  Tonight we watched an episode of Whitechapel.  We give the show a B.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  We gave a positive health report.

The temperature had already dropped to low 40s when checked outside at 2200.  It might freeze tonight.

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