Saturday, October 31, 2020

October 30, 2020

 Friday October 30, 2020

Blog time 1200 sitting in office

I don’t think the opiate pill I took last night was needed.  The pain I had was minor.  Will stick with Tylenol and Motrin.

This morning I got up at 0700.  I promised Nancy that I would not leave the house today.

Nancy drove to Panera and got us coffee.  After breakfast I headed down to the office.  My first order of business was to finish Wednesday and Thursday’s blog.

Nancy ran some errands this morning.  She will now join me inside for the rest of the day.

I did call our Handy Man Randy about our cedar closet light and master bedroom toilet.  He will stop by next week.

Lunch today was as always yogurt, ensure, vanilla pudding and oatmeal cookie.  Within a couple of weeks I should be off this stupid soft food diet.  Will enjoy a piece of hard cheese for lunch.

This and that:

Thankfully the election next Tuesday will end the nasty political ads.  A curse on all politicians.

Recently it seems the Coronavirus is the curse of white folks.

I will stick my neck out.  I predict that former Veep Biden will win in a landslide.  Of course don’t put too much into my predictions because I said the same about Ms Clinton in 2016. I did not vote for Clinton, Biden or Trump (twice).  

Nancy’s sister, Peg Middleton, has been sending some good jokes.  I forward them on to my former work colleagues. They all comment that a good laugh is therapeutic.  Thanks Peg.

After lunch I took a long nap.  I am still in recovery mode.

Today Nancy fixed pea soup with coleslaw for dinner.  Good.

Tonight we watched “The Advocates” on Acorn.  We ended a season.  I gave the show a B-.  I have trouble understanding the Scotch brogue.  Glad I got closed captions.  

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  Everything ok.

Checked the front yard and garage at 2200.  It was turning cold.  Temperature will be in 20s by morning.

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