Sunday, November 1, 2020

Saturday October 31, 2020

Saturday October 31, 2020

Blog time 1200 sitting in office

We both got up at 0730.  It was 28, sunrise not until 0815.  However, tomorrow sunrise will be 0715.  I hate DST.

Our first order of business was to drive to Panera.  We both went inside because we anticipated a problem with our account.  However, everything was ok.  First good news today.

The second good news was the bright sunshine.  Sun trumps everything.

The third good news was that Nancy was able to straighten her account at Lake Mi CU.  They had too many numbers for her Apple Card.  The matter was straightened out.

I had my oatmeal breakfast with a fresh croissant from Panera and a banana.  As mentioned many times before. I put plain yogurt on my oatmeal. Very tasty.

This and that:

Today is Halloween.  I never like this day except when I took the kids Trick or Treating.  Some great memories walking around the OH neighborhood.  

Today we have the second full moon of the month.  It is called a Blue Moon.

Today is also the UM vs MSU football game.  I remember growing up how important this game was to my Parents.  Mom went to UM and Dad MSU.  My Mother was a very avid UM fan.  She was also a UM snob.  They would place all kinds of bets on the game.  If MSU won Mom would fix Dad his favorite meal.  Mother wanted Dinner out, etc.  It was all in good fun.  Although Dad took a loss better than Mom.

First bad news of the day.  MSU won.  I did not watch, luckily.

I have the weather in Edinburgh, Scotland on iPhone app.  I always thought Edinburgh had major air pollution problems because they burned coal.  However, coal must no longer be used.  Edinburgh’s air quality is usually in single digits. Much better than most cities in USA.

Missy just sent photos of stores in upscale Santa Monica boarding up.  They expect problems on election night.  Good grief this is the USA.  Majority rules, period.

I will pause this blog while I take my first short walk since the surgery.  

I walked about 0.6 mile with no apparent ill effect. Nice sunny fall day.

This afternoon I took a nice long nap.  Felt good.

Granddaughter Alessandra Facetimed Nancy this afternoon.  They had a nice long chat.  Alessandra is our main source of news from Steve’s family.  

For dinner Nancy fixed meat loaf with mashed potatoes and corn.  Very good.

This evening we watched a James Bond movie with Daniel Craig.  Sean Connery was the best Bond but Craig is a close second.  Sorry to hear of the passing of Sean Connery today at age 90.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us this evening.  Everything ok.

It was windy and misting when checked the front yard at 2200.  Reset several clocks to EST before turning in.


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