Saturday, November 7, 2020

November 6, 2020

 Friday November 6, 2020

Blog time 1045 at Panera

Nancy was first up at 0630.  She put on her swim suit and headed to MVP.  I rolled out at 0700.  Had my oatmeal breakfast and then grabbed backpack and walked to Panera.  50 with sun, perfect for a walk.  Noted that most of the trees are bare.

Why should a retired person be glad it’s Friday?  I don’t know but I am glad.

The election still dominates the news.  Most folks that I eavesdropped on were surprised it was so close.  Did the Press and Pollsters totally misread the public sentiment.  I think so.  They were so obsessed with being nice and woke that they forgot about the public especially those living between the coasts.  I am still amazed how stupid smart people are!

Kim is cleaning today.  When I get home Nancy and I will take a drive.  Maybe the beach today?

When I got home Nancy was waiting for the refrigerator repair man.  So I decided to make a quick drive to Church to buy a Christmas Wreath.  No luck the Wreath sale was over.

On way home swung into Groskopfs.  Bought a pair of black leather gloves.

The repairman arrive at 1300.  He make several checks and said we needed a new compressor.  He ordered a new one but it will not be delivered until Monday.  Bummer.

We emptied the refrigerator.  I salvaged a yogurt for lunch.  Nancy is upset at all the food that was lost.

After the repairman left we decided on a drive.  Today we took the back roads to Lowell.  Pleasant day for a drive.

We stopped at Tractor Supply in Lowell.  I bought a mineral block to put out for the deer and squirrels.

On our drive home Nancy commented on how she likes our back road car trips.  I agree.  Today was a perfect day for a trip. Bright sun.  The temperature reached 70 today.

At home I set out mineral block and several ears of corn.  Every day when I check, the corn has been stripped off the cob.  I don’t know if it is the deer or squirrels.  Also have noted several big Blue Jays eating the corn.

For dinner tonight we headed to Brann’s.  Arrived at 1730 and were surprised at how empty the place was.  Normally on Fridays we see office folks meeting for a drink before heading home.  Might be because most folks no longer work in an office.

For drinks, Nancy had a frozen  margarita and I had red wine.  We chatted awhile before ordering dinner.  Nancy had a chicken sandwich with fries and I had a bowl of chili.  Always good food at Brann’s.

Both Missy and Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  They both commented that rain predicted for this weekend in Ca.  They sure can use it.  Nancy and I gave a positive health report.

No Apple TV this evening.  Nancy headed to bed to read and I headed downstairs to finish reading the WSJ.

It was very pleasant when checked the front yard at 2200.  Temperature will remain in 50s all night.  Another 70 degree day tomorrow. 

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