Sunday, November 22, 2020

November 21, 2020

 Saturday February 21, 2020

Blog time 1945 sitting in living room

Up at 0630.  It was dark when I looked out at 0700.  The temperature was 29.  Nine hours and 28’ of daylight today.

Drove to Panera for coffee and a bagel.  Also bought Nancy a coffee.  Nancy was on her 3 mile morning walk.

First thing after breakfast I visited GR Lighting to get info on kitchen ceiling fixture.  I got the make and model but needed diameter.  Will return later.

This morning I took a 9 mile bike ride.

Shaved and showered before lunch.

Nancy and I returned to GR Lighting and bought fixture.  Monday I will call Randy our handyman to see if he can install it.

Finished my exercise routine with1.65 mile walk.  After the walk took a short walk.

1700 drove to Rose’s to pick up our take out order.  I bought a bowl of butternut squash bisque and Nancy had a turkey sandwich with cranberries.  Very good.

Tonight we watched another episode of The Crown.  I did not like it.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We are all suffering from cabin fever.  

Pitch black when checked out at 2200.  Rain/snow possible tomorrow.

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