Wednesday, November 25, 2020

November 24, 2020

 Tuesday November 24, 2020

Blog time 1515 sitting in office.

Up at 0630 it was still dark with temp in 20s.  Snow should start at 1100.

Nancy headed out on her 3 mile walk.  I drove to Panera for coffee and a bagel.  At home I had my oatmeal breakfast.

Put on warm bike clothes and headed out.  Rode 10.5 miles.  No critters seen.  

Shaved and showered as soon as I got home.  Nancy and I got in the Fusion and drove to AT&T to get some questions answered on our internet, TV and phone bills.  Bottom line, AT&T said we could get a better deal if we used ComCast.  Apparently the AT&T service in our area is limited especially if we use Netflix a lot.  I appreciated their honesty.

It started snowing about 1300 and continued for the rest of daylight hours.  The snow did not stick.

As soon as we got home I headed down to the office to start my morning reading.  Lately I am getting behind more than before the Coronavirus hit.  Of course we blame everything on Coronavirus.

This and that:

About this time if 1961 I was at Treasure Island Naval Base near San Francisco trying to get a plane to Midway Island.  The traffic folks put me on a plane to Hawaii.  Arrived in Hawaii on Tuesday night.  I would catch the plane to Midway on Friday. 

I remember the flight to Hawaii.  It was on a 4 engine prop plane.  I think it was called a Super Connie.  Remember that until last May I had never been on a plane.  This long trip over water was exciting.  I remember looking out the window. It was evening and I was amazed at all the car lights on the freeways and the lights of the ocean side communities.  Quite a thrill for some one from small town northern MI.  

When we got to Hawaii I got a bus to Pearl Harbor Navy Base.  I got a room in the BOQ.  

POTUS is finally realizing that he lost.  Let’s hope for a smooth transition.

The Alpena News had an interesting animal story.  A wildcat got his foot caught in a trap set to snare a coyote.  A DNR officer was told and she released the wildcat unharmed.  I have never seen a wildcat in the wild but I know NE MI has a stable population.

Speaking of traps I would encounter muskrat and mink traps set in small streams while bridge inspecting.  The lazy trapper set them under small bridges.  When I saw one I would spring the trap.  I bet it would hurt if I stepped on one.

Our main stream media (msm) does not report on problems overseas.  The conflicts in Armenia and Ethiopia are very serious.  China and Russia are also taking advantage of our disinterest.  Hope the new administration takes an active interest in International affairs.  A good start would be to assure our long time Allies that we have their backs.  Enough said!

Lunch and then I took a 1.65 mile walk followed by a nap.

For dinner tonight we ordered tamales and tacos from our neighborhood Mexican restaurant.  Very good.

Tonight we watched the start of the new season of NCIS on CBS.  I gave it an A- but Nancy said it was only a B.

This evening we FaceTimed with both Debbie and Missy.  They were both in a talkative mood.  

No Netflix or Acorn this evening.  I finished reading the WSJ before heading to bed.  It was raining when checked the yard at 2200.  A rainy mild day tomorrow.

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